Sunday, April 4, 2010

Our Easter Weekend

Our weekend was different than we had planned, but we always know that anything can change at anytime! We are very flexible, and I don't let unexpected changes in plans get me down!

Thursday I had a terrible stomach bug. I can't even explain the horrible stomach cramps I had.
I had so much to do to get ready for our Good Friday lunch celebration. Needless to say I didn't do much of anything. Gary took the kids and the grocery list and knocked that off the 'ToDo" list. I really don't know what I would have done without him. I couldn't get off the couch!

Gary's family came over for a fun lunch on Friday and I was moving a little slowly...I didn't even take many pics...Can you believe that? We had a great time.

Saturday we loaded up to visit my parents. They live about an hour away. The kiddos hunted eggs in the backyard. My grandparents really enjoyed watching the kids run around crazy!

Hayden found a dog bone...He put it in his basket too!

I think Bella, the black doggie, wants to trade a bone for an egg.
She is nosin' around in his basket!

Layla had fun with the confetti eggs she found!

Saturday evening Gary got hit with the stomach bug, so our weekend from there on out was uneventful. We weren't sure if what I had was a virus or food poisoning, so we chose to stick with our original plans on Friday and Saturday.

Gosh...if I'd only known.

I hope none of our family members {or the kids} get sick.

Today we have locked ourselves in the house. We aren't risking it!
Not really the plans we had, but we had a fun day anyway.

I hope you all had a great Easter!


  1. hope you guys get better quick and that the kiddos are spared!

  2. Get better soon!! The stomach bug, virus, or whatever y'all had is never fun! Poor thing!

  3. Oh no!! I am so sorry you and Gary got sick, that's no fun. I hope you're feeling 100% or close and that he's not far behind. I hope the kids don't get it :(

    Looks like your sweet kiddos had fun, and how sweet for Gary to go shopping for you!! Aren't husbands the best?

    Have a great week :)

  4. OH shoot! Sorry to hear that...that certainly is not fun...but glad you made the most of it and had a great day with family ;) You just can't predict those things...hopefully no one else will get it :) Have a good week...and you still got some great pics! Too funny about the dog bone!

  5. Oh no...the stomach bug. I hope you guys are feeling better. The egg hunt looks like it was a lot of fun and I would have loved the confetti too!

  6. Hope you guys are feeling better. Looks like the kids had a good time =)

  7. I hope Gary is feeling better and that the kiddos didn't get sick! I love that Hayden put the dog bone in his basket! That is so something that my boys would do too!

  8. Hope you feel better. Happy Easter.

  9. Girl I hate that you and your hubs have been feeling awful and got sick! that stinks! The kids looked like they had fun hunting eggs. About 8 years ago I got a real bad stomach bug on Easter and it was awful! Praying for ya!


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