Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Red treat!

I was so excited when Gary and Layla brought home a fresh watermelon from the fruit stand.

We LOVE watermelon :)

And it is just another reason why I LOVE spring!!

I am so excited about the fresh fruits and veggies we will be eating all season!

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  1. oh my word that looks so yummy! I am going to the store to pick up some for MEEEE

  2. I have been anxiously awaiting watermelon, too! Definitely a seasonal staple.

  3. Nothing like a fruit stand. We love watermelon too!

  4. that looks yummy!!!

    i cut open a pineapple today...it was so juice :o)

  5. Was it good! My boys have been begging for watermelon and strawberries, but I'm hestiant to buy them this early in the season. A lot of the time they just aren't sweet enough this early! It looks like your kiddos sure did enjoy it though!

  6. Yum! Glad you guys are having some warm spring weather.. can't wait till the sun comes back to So Cal and brings some heat!!

  7. That watermelon looks yummy!! I know MOllie would love some! I am so ready for more fresh fruits and veggies too! Cute pics!

  8. Sooo cute! Lena Kate and I love watermelon too...but not Lane...booo, he's missing out. Now that we live close to my parents, my Mom and I will split one a week! Springtime rocks! Summer fruit is awesome!!!!

  9. Yum! Nothing says summer like a big juicy watermelon! looks delicious! The kids are so cute taking those big bites!

  10. I've been thinking about watermelon all day today.

  11. Yum I love me some watermelon too!

  12. Mmm, an ice cold piece of watermelon sounds fantastic right about now.


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