Sunday, April 18, 2010

a river runs through it

Our campsite at Lake Whitney this weekend was pretty much a muddy mess!
At one point we thought we may have to build an Ark to get out of there.

The kiddos had a blast splashing in the water.
I have a few pictures of them getting all muddy, but I am done for the day.

I am so tired. Night night and lets hope the rain stops so we can dry out.


  1. oh, camping is always pretty fun... :) hope it stops raining for you guys!

  2. Doesn't rain mean no campfires? No campfires = no s'mores which is the only reason I camp.

    I just took a good look at your profile pic and you are super pretty. Hope you dry out soon.

  3. i can imagine your tired! camping with kiddos sounds fun but also sounds like a whole lot of work... epecially when there's mud involved!

  4. Camping in the rain! You are a brave woman! ;)

  5. Rain always makes camping not as much fun...but at least the kiddos still had fun!

  6. Oh no! I hope you warm up and dry off soon.

  7. boo to raining on your parade! at least the kids still enjoyed it. I bet you got cute pics of them in the mud!


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