Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Funday

I have really enjoyed spending the whole day outside in the backyard with these three people!

We have had so much fun, grilling and playing.
We have also been swinging and kicking the soccer ball, playing in the
sand and riding in the wagon.
We even had a nice walk through the neighborhood this morning!
Thank you God for springtime! We are LOVING it :)
I'm not posting much today, instead just taking time to be with the family!
I am very excited about a few things though...
my new iphone, and a blog makeover in the works!!
I can't wait to see my new look.

Happy Sunday Y'all!
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  1. Sounds like a perfect day! Sundays are always great!! Have a great week!

  2. Happy Sunday!! Can't wait to see the new blog :)

  3. I can't wait to see your new blog look! So glad you guys are having a great Sunday!!

  4. Praise God for such beautiful outdoors....we love spending all of our time there too!

  5. hey hubby said he would get me an iphone but i'm on the fence...let me know how you like it...(or do if you already have one)

  6. Sounds like a great day!

    Im so happy Spring is here!

    Winter is so depressing!

  7. Wow, you have a lot going time with the fam, a new phone, new design...Look at you!

  8. i'm really wanting an iphone...hoping verizon gets one soon!!!


    i cannot wait to see your new blog design :)

  9. Excited about the new look that coming! Sounds like your family enjoyed a beautiful weekend! Love the photos! Thanks so much for sharing the joy!

    Blessings, Love and Monday Sunshine, Terri

  10. Glad you had such a great weekend, I look forward to seeing the new look of your blog!


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