Tuesday, May 4, 2010

field trip day recap

Layla and her friend Emma Kate

We did lots of exploring :)

And learning

The shadow box was fun...the girls would strike a pose 
and the shadow would stay on the wall behind them!
The picture didn't turn out :(

They ran and played and got tons of energy out!

Hayden explored too...he found a turtle.

Hayden is doing a little grocery shopping in the mini grocery store.  
Kids can load up their baskets and scan their own items at the cash registers.
[I know bad pic...My silly hand got in the way of the flash.]

Hayden is loading up on veggies!

Look at Hayden's lips.  
Even though that is a horse he is moooing at it.  
The animal before actually was a cow.  It was a Texas Longhorn :)

My sweet little explorer!  
She had so much fun with her friends running and learning.  
I too loved visiting the museum! It is fantastic hands on fun.
 The kids had a ball, and I can't wait to go back very soon.  

Gary would love it, we gotta take him for sure.

Today Layla and I are off to Kindergarten round-up!
In just a few short months Layla will start school.  
I am so excited for her!


  1. I love museum's! Glad y'all had a fun time! :) Your little Layla is ADORABLE!!

  2. Great field trip recap! I'm super-excited to go on our very own field trips. Looks like a great time!

  3. That looks like a really fun place! I LOVE the little grocery shopping area...those are always my favorite at children's museums! I registered Grant for Kinder. last week:)

  4. That looks like an amazing place for kids!! Looks like a great day for Mom and kids!!

  5. That places looks like a lot of fun and very interactive. What a great field trip. I love Hayden mooing!

  6. That museum looks amazing! I wish we had something like that around here.

    Great pictures all around!

  7. Those pictures are great :)
    And what a perfect field trip!!
    Glad you guys had a good time.
    (How are the little guys teeth feeling??)

  8. Oh how FUN! We have a museum like that for kids here, too. Can't wait 'till my little guy is old enough to enjoy stuff like that!

  9. Those types of museums are so much fun!

  10. Looks and sounds like y'all had a blast. What a fun place to go. It kind of reminds me of the Childrens Museum here in Houston. We plan on taking the boys this summer.

  11. This looks so fun! I loved museums like this when I was a kid. How cute that Hayden's loading up on veggies. :)


  12. Looks like you all had a great day!!

  13. That looks like a great field trip!! SO fun!!!

  14. Great trip! I love how excited these little people get over science. (I don't belive in it myself)


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