...it has been a wild past few days for us.
{if you don't follow me you can by clicking on the word [twittering] at the beginning of this sentence.}
but Layla has been on the internet more than I have the past few days.
Hayden had this weird looking rash on his left thigh. It was red and splotchy and just down right strange. It was really hard to take a picture of a squirmy little boy. I never really got a got a good picture of it.
When Hayden walked he limped, so I guess it would rub on his diaper. He ran around most of Thursday in big boy unders. He looked so cute in his Car's underwear. I had to change him a million times because he wouldn't go do his business in the potty, but oh well. Cloth felt better than a disposable diaper. I called the doctors office and they could squeeze him in Thursday afternoon.
I really didn't think it was anything serious, but just wanted to check to make sure. I pretty much spent a $25.00 copay for peace of mind. Although peace of mind wasn't really what we got. Our pediatrician is on medical leave...she is having treatment for breast cancer. The nurse said she will hopefully return soon from her treatment. That is great news!! Luckily the kids haven't been sick and we haven't needed to schedule any yearly check-ups.
I'm not sure if the man that saw us was alive. I don't know how he calls himself a doctor. I'm quite sure he was a walking zombie. And he was pushing around on Hayden so hard. We took Hayden in for a rash and all the man could point out were Hayden's boogers. He has seasonal allergies dude...I was feeling a LOT under the weather, and that was good for zombie doctor. I was about to lose my mind. This doctor was a real loser! Come to find out, he is retiring in May. I vote for him going ahead and leaving NOW!
We still aren't sure what is going on, but we are applying cream to his leg, giving him allergy medicine and Tylenol for a small fever. Hayden has had fever on and off all week. I assumed it was his teeth, but the doctor said that teething and fever do not go hand in hand.
Do you believe that? I don't, but oh well.
I don't know what my deal is. I felt terrible yesterday. I either ate something that didn't agree with me, or I got the stomach bug that Gary had last week. Wow! I was down for the count. I really don't need a Mother's Day gift. Gary gave me the best gift ever...rescuing me when I was sick yesterday. He came home early from work, finished all the laundry I had started. cleaned out the dishwasher, took care of the kiddos and drove us to the doctor. Then he made me mashed potatoes and put the kids to bed.
I know it is just the normal stuff that daddy's do, but we usually tag team all the chores.
He is awesome...thanks Gary! I am so thankful.
A few days ago I was complaining about a wall I hit in my weight loss. For a month I hadn't gained or lost weight. I was starting to get bummed out.
I complained and lost 3 pounds in one day. I won't be griping anymore.
While it is nice to have shed a few pounds and get even closer to my goal weight, it wasn't a pleasant way to shed them. I still have a headache from being dehydrated, but I am so much better today.
I even picked up the camera this morning and took some pics of the kiddos before Layla left for school.
She was so excited to be wearing all black.
I'm not sure why, but at least she matched.
Hayden {still in his pj's} loves to get on my bed right after I make it.
He messes up the covers and throws all the pillows off the bed. DRIVES me NUTS!
Layla was practicing her serious face. BAhhh!! She makes me laugh.
I don't know what that is all about. HA! Serious face, what does she have to be so serious about? She makes me laugh every day! BOTH my kids do.
It is going to be a fun Mother's Day weekend!

I hope that you are feeling better...stomach bugs/issues are no fun!
Okay...my Will always has gotten a fever when he was teething. I love how drs. say they do not go together.
Love Layla's shoes too...such a cutie!
Way to go Gary for making the mashed potatoes...I don't think Lew even knows how to make them!
I saw on twitter how you didn't feel good, but I'm happy to hear you're feeling better. I had the same stomach bug two weeks ago. UGH! That doctor is soooooo dumb. Every mother knows a fever comes w/ teething. The rash could be from allergies or also from teething too! My boys always get a diaper rash or a rash around that area when they're teething too. Hope Hayden starts to feel better. Hope y'all have a great weekend and that you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
It is never fun when mom is sick! I hope you are feeling a ton better now. Yay for the 3 pounds, even though it wasn't the best way to lose them:) And poor Hayden, between his weird rash and the zombie doctor he has had some trouble this week! I hope you have a great Mother's Day weekend!
that dr sounded like a real loser...tell them he sucked and you want ur copay back! haha
3lbs! that's awesome!
Hmm, I don't have kids but every kid I know has had a fever while teething. That makes no sense...
Glad you are feeling better! Your husband is very sweet to take care of you like that when you are sick :)
SO glad that Hayden is ok!! Love the pics of the kids and Layla's serious face!! :)
Oh, this major stinkos! Gooner had a rash from Roseola and I felt so terrible for her. Poor little guy; his pain is hard on Mommy too! Hang in there!
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