The ole jeep has been running a bit slow lately.
I am so thankful that daddy is feeling better. {so far no one else has gotten sick...yippee}
Daddy and the kids are taking a look at the jeep today and will hopefully figure out what the problem is.
I think a new battery is in order very soon.
Do any of you have kiddos with a hand-held Leapster ?
Do you like it?
Any advise you can give would be helpful.
Layla has been asking for one, and I have several friends with children that really like them.
How about you?

Jack recently got a Leapster and LOVES it! I'm not a huge video-game fan, but I do like the Leapster because the games are really educational. Definitely worth it, I think.
So glad that the hubs is feeling better and that no one else has been affected thus far!!
My kiddos all have one of these:
They are 6,5 and 4 and they all still love them... you can buy lots of educational games for them. I would be sure to buy AA rechargeable batteries... I definitely don't regret getting them for the kiddos though!!
We love ours too. Gram and Gramps bought it for Drew this last Christmas. We actually keep it in the car. That way when we are driving around or waiting to pick up brother from practice, he doesn't get bored. It has also saved us when we have been picking out flooring and stuff for the house. Drew's fav game so far is WallE He only has 2 others so far. A puzzle one and Ratatouille.
The girls wore theirs OUT!! They loved them! I would offer to pass ours along, but the only remaining working one is on it's last leg. I have lots of games I can give you though. Kenzie recently took over Maddie's Nintendo ds when Maddie got the dsi.
And, as someone else mentioned, Ratatouille was a FAVE! But, unfortunately it didn't make it through basketball season...left in the stands somewhere!
We will have to meet up sometime like we always say we are going to!
My niece had the leapster and loved it as well.
Hope the jeep gets a workin' soon!
The batteries on all of our outdoors stuff always seem to die fast! We have the VSmile pocket, which is basically the same as a Leapster. We invested in the car charger because they save a lot of battery use when the kiddos play them on long trips.
The Jeep needs a tune up! Yes, we actually have a Leapster for Caleb and he really likes it. The games are pricey but I'm sure there are ways around that (that I haven't explored). I love the the pen is attached and it is durable.
we had a leapster years weren't really into it..
as fot the jeep...we've never had one...but you can bet we're gonna get one this time around! i want to ride it too! haha..kidding i'm sure i exceeded the weight limit!
laylas outfit looks cute :) cant help ya on the leapster thing but glad to hear your hubbys better and the kids didnt catch it! maaybe the jeep needs a smog check? ha ha thats my lame joke of the day lol :) take care!
Glad you guys are feeling better! My kids don't have a leapster, but I have some friends whose kids have them and I have pretty good things about them!
My nieces have Leapsters and love 'em!
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