I remember driving around and finding the subdivision that we have now lived in over 4 years.
Layla was a fresh new baby.
We had a home and we liked our home, but it wasn't a place we wanted to raise our kids.
We liked the area we lived in, but it wasn't what we wanted forever.
That next Saturday we drove the 30 miles north and Gary loved it to. We started looking at lots and floor plans. We were so excited to get to have our very own house built. It was a dream come true! I was so thrilled to pick out carpet, fixtures, tile, back splash. Every last detail was ours to make.
the day we closed on our new home! Layla was so little :)
I remember the carpet being laid. I remember Gary measuring for the 2 inch blinds. I can remember sitting in the hallway watching him with the tape measurer. He was in Layla's room. I remember hoping that one day one of other bedrooms would have a baby in it too. I was so proud to have so much room! More room than we needed at the time. We had to buy furniture to fill all the extra space we had.
Layla was a fresh new baby.
We had a home and we liked our home, but it wasn't a place we wanted to raise our kids.
We liked the area we lived in, but it wasn't what we wanted forever.
I'm pretty sure this isn't our forever home either.
Isn't it human nature to want more?
I'm sure as our kids get older we will outgrow this home,
but for now I still love this house as much as I ever have.
I first drove into the community in December of 2005.
Layla was napping in the car.
Sometimes I would drive while she napped.
I was a new mom...she was around 5 months old.
Gary was working and I was bored so I drove.
I drove about 30 miles from where we currently lived and found this area.
I knew instantly I wanted to move! I drove back home to research the school districts. I couldn't wait for the weekend so that I could show Gary our new community. It just had to happen, and it did!
I remember it being stressful and hard. I remember each step, watching the foundation being poured, the insulation being added. I remember they ripped our our driveway and re did it. Ughh!! So stressful!
I remember the carpet being laid. I remember Gary measuring for the 2 inch blinds. I can remember sitting in the hallway watching him with the tape measurer. He was in Layla's room. I remember hoping that one day one of other bedrooms would have a baby in it too. I was so proud to have so much room! More room than we needed at the time. We had to buy furniture to fill all the extra space we had.
It seems like the decorating and redecorating are never complete. I am always wanting to change the paint or get new bedding in our bedrooms. It is wonderful knowing that I can do those things anytime I want. I love my house and am just as proud of it today as I was 4 years ago when we closed on it and unlocked the door for the first time with OUR keys!
I took this picture this last year during one of our snow events.
I took this picture this last year during one of our snow events.
We love you house, you have been good to us!

I feel that way about our house...I love it and hope we never move! We actually bought it b/c we felt we had room to grow in it...and I still kind of feel that way! :)
I love the snow picture...beautiful!
such a beautiful home you have!!!
I love your house and I love walks down memory lane!
i just had those thoughts of our house too...we moved in 3 yrs ago last monday. we watched it being built from the dirt up and i love thinking back to those days wondering how many extra babies would fill the rooms up!
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