I started this blog in July of 2007.
Since high school I have been a 'picture taker' I love to snap shots of everything from food, to kids, to pets and weird looking rocks. And of course fences. I'm not really the best photographer, but I really enjoy playing around.
What a better way to share my pictures?
I was scrap booking them. You know the old fashioned way. I have a few scrapbooks lying around. I got really burned out on scrap booking. It seemed like I would get all the materials out, get ready and set up, crop two pages and then have to clean it all up. I like a tidy house and having a table with scrapbook clutter just drove me nuts.
One of my high school buddies recommend that I start a blog.
I didn't want to. I thought about it for several months and I wasn't sure I could figure it out.
Look at me now, months and years later!!
I enjoy getting recipes and craft tips from friends I have made! When I have questions I can throw them out there and blog friends can help me. Wow I wish I had a blog when Layla was born. She was my first baby and I was a scared momma at first.
I love checking in on other families that I now know.
When I hear other cities and states mentioned on the news I think of blog friends I have in the mentioned area!
I love blogging because my family and friends can keep up with our lives.
I wish I had started a blog earlier.
I really enjoy this online scrap book and am so happy
that someday my kids will be able to read every word! They will be able to look back and see what we ate, did and loved all those years ago :)
Why did you start blogging?

I love seeing all of the tips and ideas that are out there. I've enjoyed meeting new friends (like you!). I enjoy being able to look back at what we've done as a family. It's just rewarding. Oh, and I'm nosy!
I'm the same way with scrapbooking. I would love to do it, but I don't really have the patience for all the little pieces and tools:) I love that I can sit down at the computer and type and upload pictures and have awesome memories of our lives! And I love the share all my fun crafty projects, and see all the other crafty stuff that other bloggers have made!
Good topic. You could probably add a linky do to your post for others to share their 'why I blog' posts.
I think blogging is a great substitute for scrapbooking. It's free, it's easy, it's therapeutic. It's great! I love your blog and I'm glad you love it too and will continue to share with us.
I think I may post a 'why I blog' entry as well. I'll add it to my list.
Blogging is such a creative outlet for me! It keeps me connected which I love!
I have a private blog for my little girl, that doubles as a journal/scrapbook! It's much more efficient than the old school scrapbooking!
I'm glad you started a blog! I love yours!
i'm so glad you blog!!
i love your pics and stories & recipes :)
i might steal this topic one day this week and mention you in it!!
thanks friend.
I just started blogging in March and I was like you...I didn't want to at first! But, I am so glad I started. It's the little happenings in life (that I could have forgotten about) that I will remember now! :) I wish I started earlier, too!
Great reason to blog and so glad you do! I started after having Jayden... I think Feb. 08 to talk about how like was like as a parent. Then while my husband and I were going through tough times... it started to become very therapeutic for me and I started writing because I felt the Lord telling me to do so. Blogging is a great way for anything you want! :)
i started blogging for the same reasons! it rocks! i love how our family from afar can be in on our lives with just the mere blog visit!
i ran across a couple of blogs while preggo with sarah [5 years ago] i'd never heard of a blog much less knew what one was.
after i had sarah everyone was asking for me to send pictures...... i had no clue how to send them through email and thought it would be easier to keep every one up to date with a blog....started out for family but has turned into so much more.
I love blogging too, but swore I would never start!! I started for the same reasons that you did! I used to scraobook, and I swear that was way more time consuming and expensive!!!!!!!!!! I love your blog friend!
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