Tuesday, July 27, 2010

black bean taco pizza

Last month my blog friend Kelli @


posted a recipe for taco pizza.

Y'all know me...if I see a yummy recipe I usually can't get it out of my head until I give it a try.

I didn't have all the ingredients she had, so I did my own version, but it was good!

I had a helper or two, and this recipe was the perfect recipe for young cooks.

Layla and I greased a cookie sheet and spread out a refrigerated pizza crust. 

I put a can of black beans in the food processor and mushed them up, and then Layla spread them over the uncooked pizza crust.

Meanwhile, I browned one pound of ground turkey meat.

Layla spread the browned turkey meat on top of the black beans once the meat cooled a bit.

Then she topped it with 1/2 a can of drained yellow corn.

Then on top of the corn she sprinkled shredded cheddar cheese.

She even smiled for the camera...usually she runs from it.

Hayden also helped sprinkle cheese.

Then we put it in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.

This is what it looks like after it is baked.

While the pizza was baking I chopped romaine lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, and an avocado.

I also set out ranch for dipping and salsa for the adults.

The kids picked their toppings.

Layla just wanted avocado and ranch.

She loved it, and she ate the whole thing...probably because she made it!

Hayden pointed to avocado, tomato and ranch for dipping.

He munched down on his piece too.  Thank goodness...he has been so picky lately.

This is daddy's piece...a little bit of everything.

And this is mommy's piece.  I love veggies and salad, so mine actually looks more like a salad. 
I had to use a fork to eat mine.

It was so stinkin' good...thanks for the inspiration Kelli!


  1. That Kelli is an inspiration...and so are you. I loved seeing this on her blog and it's reminding me that I need to make it now seeing it on your blog. Glad your family enjoyed!

  2. How easy and delicious looking. Perfect light supper, thanks for sharing.

  3. Yum, now Im going to have to try that! Thanks for the idea!

  4. Oh goodness, this looks so delish!!! :)

  5. That sounds so good. My boys are taco fanatics...I bet they would love this pizza!

  6. This looks and sounds amazing. We had tacos last night and I bet this version would have been great! I'll try next time.

  7. That looks absolutely delicious. And what a cute helper you have there. I think mine would look like yours, all lettuce and veggies. Yum!

  8. MMMMM...that looks so good! I may need to use this inspiration too sometime soon! You are such a good cook and always make me hungry showing all this food!

  9. Angie, this looks wonderful!! I love all the pictures of Layla helping you!! I can't wait to try this and it's so pretty too!!

  10. That looks SO yummy! I'm totally craving a taco salad now & guacamole. NEED.

  11. Your taco pizza turned out so good! It looks way yummier than mine:) Now I think we may have to have that again this week!


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