Friday, July 16, 2010

A few things I am loving right now

of course first and kids and husband. 

and my pups are pretty special too!

without them I wouldn't have any subjects to photograph.

I really love my camera!

I love my denim skirt.  I wear it all the time. 
My friends are going the think it is the only thing I have to wear.
I really love these Sharper Image speakers.

Ours are a year model or two older but they are portable and hook right up to my iPod.  They are also water proof and wireless.  I usually just plug them right into the wall outlet, but I could put batteries in them and listen anywhere I please.

I love aloe vera lotion right now.  I love the way it makes my skin feel, and most importantly I love the smell!  It is wonderful and relaxing after a fun day in the sun.

I love love love The Food Network!  And a double bonus...The Food Network Magazine. 
 I can't get enough of cooking, baking and anything that has to do with food.

I love twitter.  It is so fun to get to know twitter friends in 140 characters or less.  I have met so many friends through blogging, but also through twitter. 

Follow me!  My user name is Ajsipes.
Or click my user name and then when you get to my profile page click follow.

What are some things that you love right now?


  1. I love denim skirts too! I had one a few years ago that I wore all the time:) Right now, all I ever wear are little cotton sun dresses that I got at Target...I got four different colors:) I love Twitter too!!

  2. Fun post Angie! How's your sweet puppy feeling after his trip to the vet?

    I love denim skirts, too. They are so versatile.

    I'm going to check out those speakers, they sound great.

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

  3. Great list! I think I may have to subscribe to the Food Network magazine because I've heard SO many good things about it. I am loving my family right now too, a new long skirt that I bought that is SUPER comfortable, Vitamin water, stamping, and food on the grill.

  4. Cute list! I like all those things. I am loving summer time, swimming, soaking up the sun, my shorts, some new heels I bought!, and being care free with school out!

  5. Love this post! You crack me up with the comment about the denim skirt! I am going to have to try that lotion, I am always looking for a good one. I heart my camera too, where would we be without ours? Sorry I have been MIA all week, I hope that in another week things will be back to normal!!

  6. Love the list.
    And wait.....
    The speakers are waterproof? Nice! Does that mean I could take them, mount them in the shower? Hehe. What a splendid idea...I love music while showering. :)

  7. I think I am going to have to make a list here in a few minutes of what I love too... I will post it on the blog :)
    And I too, love that we have gotten to know each other on twitter!! Yay!

  8. Fun post! I'm so glad we "met" through the blog world and are getting to know eachother on a more personal basis through twitter. Can't wait to meet you for reals soon! We need to plan that as soon as I get back from vacation.


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