Thursday, July 22, 2010

a haircut, swimming lessons and staples

Our little man got his 3rd haircut yesterday.

He did great!

I think he looks so big in this picutre...his little hands holding onto the arm rests, and just a little head sticking out above the cape.

His hair was so long, it would barely he is back to normal.

And about the swimming lessons...

What a difference a few days can make.

The first two lessons we had some major tears. 
 She just doesn't want to do it, but when she gets into the water
(after her teacher drags her in) she really does great!

There goes my little swimmer.
After lesson #3 yesterday Layla was swimming with assistance across the pool.

(sorry for the blur...there is a bar right in front of me, and when I get excited it gets in my way.)

Layla's teacher (who needs a gold medal) moves further away each time.
Which means Layla goes further and holds her breath longer each time.

I'm one proud momma...can I get a whooo wheee! 

After lesson # 2 she got this page. After each accomplishment she gets another sticker.
What is it with stickers and kids?  I don't remember liking them as much as kids do now.
Layla can't wait to swim and earn the next sticker.  Her face was beaming after getting a sticker yesterday.

It has been 10 days since Callaway's tumor surgery and he got his staples out yesterday.
He is pretty much back to normal.  He is acting normal, but still has a cough, so they refilled his antibiotic.

He is such a great dog!

And Harley is too.
I put photos of all my other kids on here, so I just had to give Harley some face time too.

 After swimming lessons today we are going to come home and rest.  We aren't used to running around town in the heat four days a week.  We enjoy our down time in the summer, especially when it is super hot!  Next week we have 4 more lessons Monday-Thursday and hopefully Layla will be closer to being a little fish in the water.  Happy Thursday, and try to keep cool!


  1. I'm so glad swim lessons are going better! I don't get the sticker thing either...mine love them! We have been staying home a lot this summer because it has just been way too hot to do anything outside! Just walking for the car to the store makes me break out into a major sweat:)

  2. how cute is he in that chair getting his hair cut!! i can't wait for that with sophia..(sorta...haha. i'm not ready to cut her curls yet!) and swim lessons, how fun! sophia is gonna love that when she is bigger.. she already loves the pool!

  3. So glad to hear swimming lessons are going well!! She'll be a little fish in no time! The hair cut is adorable, he looks so grown up in the big chair!!

  4. Yeah Layla...I'm sure you both are excited about that! Mr. Hayden looks so handsome and I'm glad your Callaway is doing much better.

  5. My first time over. LOVED your blog.

    Your family is adorable. Thanks for putting a smile on my face with that precious haircut!

  6. His hair looks so dang cute! Rhiannon and I are going to get hair cuts on Monday and I cant wait!

  7. I am glad that the swimming lessons seem to be going better (except that I think I read on twitter today that it wasn't as great today!?)
    And how stinkin' cute is the little man!!! LOVE!

  8. Hayden looks like such a big boy!! So cute, I love how he is holding onto the chair!! Congrats to Layla, it looks like she did an awesome job!!

  9. Yay! I'm so glad she is starting to enjoy her lessons and wants to do better! What a great sport! Stickers are such a motivator, haha!

    LOVE the new haircut! He looks adorable! And the doggies are so sweet :) Glad he's doing much better! Pets are so much a part of the family! Stay cool...we are suffering in the 90's too...and our pool is still clearing up...haven't been able to swim in about a week, but I still think it's too hot!

  10. I am so glad swimming lessons are going better!! Great news.

    He is so cute with his new haircut. What a handsome guy!

  11. Yay! I'm so excited to see a swimming lesson success story. I feel much better about waiting until Jack is older to give it a try. I'll think of Layla when we're finally ready.


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