Friday, July 23, 2010

sandwich obsession

I don't know about you guys, but summertime is hot here.  That being said, I hate heating up the house by using the oven on a day that it is 103 degrees outside.  So we have been eating lots of pasta salads, salads, fresh veggies and sandwiches.

Look at those yummy tomatoes I got at the produce stand near our house.  And the mushed up avocado.

What sandwich is complete without bacon?

Have you seen that commercial on TV for beggin strips?  It is a dog treat commercial, and the dog screams out BACCCOOOONN while panting really hard!!  Well next time you see it, think of me, because that is how I feel about bacon.  And to think that at one time in my life I didn't like bacon.  I was part crazy.  I'm normal now, sort of.  If dreaming of bacon and BLT sandwiches is normal.  I wasn't gonna stop dreaming about it until I ate one.  And I did and it was so good. And I can't wait to eat another one soon.  Just so I could remember...I took a picture of it.  To share with you...and yes I probably am still crazy, but I am good with it :)

Now you are going to be dreaming about a BLT.


  1. That looks delicious, I could eat it for breakfast. And a BLT without avocado is practically nekkid. I love avocado on all my sandwiches! There's this little place in town that serves one on dark rye bread, with mayo, avocado, bacon and tomato. It is deeevine.

  2. We LOVE bacon at our house. Even Caleb, who eats nothing, loves bacon. It is satisfying to the soul :)

  3. yum! that is all we have been eating around here too! have a great weekend.

  4. what's the bread? looks divine! you know me and my blt!!!!!

  5. I want a BLT! I think we have bacon but no tomatoes!

  6. I am on a major bacon kick right now! Love, love, love it!

  7. That sandwich looks FREAKING SPECTACULAR!!!!

  8. You are making me hungry! That looks yummy!

  9. It's been really muggy here.

    Happy blogoversary :)

  10. Bacon is its own food group right? Oh, it's not? I guess that is just at our house.


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