We have had a really fun week.
I planned for our week to be low key and relaxing because Layla starts school August 24th. It will be a big change for our whole family. Layla starting school will be fun and exciting, but a different routine for us all. I know a little girl who is nervous and excited all at the same time.
I know a little boy who is going to miss his big sister very much. He doesn't start pre school until mid September. They fight like crazy most of the time, but when sissy is at home it is 'monkey see, monkey do'. He copies her every move.
If she swings, he swings...If she's in the jeep, he is in the jeep with her.
{Yes, they are in their pj's. We have to play outside 1st thing in the morning or it gets too hot. So "real" clothes are optional...ha! They are just going to get sweaty.}
I love that they are buddies :)
And since I mentioned buddies...
Hayden and Layla got to play with little Miss Ava on Monday.
I didn't take many pictures, I guess I was to busy talking!
She makes the cutest clothes and goodies ever. Check out her work...it is amazing :)
We decided to meet in real life!
We met at Chic-fil-a and let the kids play while we visited. We got to the play area super early so the kids had the whole play area to themselves. And we were thinking it was cleaner too. After about 30 minutes or so, a little boy came into the play area and pee peed on the floor...that was an ENDER!
So much for clean.Yuck! I couldn't believe it. And the little boys mom just watched him do it...stunned. Ugh! So, off we went to the table to eat, and my kids decided to show Ashley how wild they are. Hayden was licking ranch right out of the container. He was covered in it. Anyway, it was really fun to meet her and Ava :)
Tuesday the kids and I played and baked all day long. They helped me make potato bread and banana bread. I love the banana bread, pic above, but I made a loaf of potato bread in the break maker, and I don't really like it. Everyone else likes it but me. I like regular wheat bread.
I also made Scallop chowder. Yes in Texas with 110 degree weather I made soup. Wow, it was way to hot for that, and I don't like scallops. Yuck, but I wanted to make something different. I may share the recipe later, but closer to winter time. The recipe was GREAT, I just don't care for scallops. Gary LOVES them. The things we do for our family :) He said the soup and bread were both great. I'm too hard on myself when recipes don't turn out just perfect.
Last night I got a special treat! Aunt Susan called and wanted to play with the kids. Gary and I were thrilled to have an unexpected night out on the town. It was great, and the kids had so much fun with Susan. Gary and I had a goal in mind. We wanted to eat a whole basket of chips and a whole bowl of queso. We set out to to that and by golly we did! It was delish! We love Mexican food :)
(and posted here would be a pic of the queso, but it is too dark so I'm not posting it. we had candle light dinner.
ha! it was dark and hot in the restaurant. weird.)
Today has been a day of hanging out here at home. We did venture out for a bit. Layla asked me to take the toy baby crib and baby dolls out of her room this week. She isn't a big baby doll girl. She has a million dolls that were gifted to her. Sadly, they sit in the crib mostly un-touched. So, I boxed them up and moved them out of her room. She wanted a desk instead. I found an adorable desk! IT is perfect for her! We picked up the desk this morning and are about to set her 'new' room up here in a bit!
I'm excited for her. Now she will try even harder to keep Hayden out of her room. He will be trying to touch and mess up her desk...JOY!
I am ready for some football tonight...preseason football will be blaring in just a few hours. I am so excited about a new season of Dallas Cowboy football :)
I am trying to come up with some fun football food for the game tonight.
I hope you are having a great week!

Go Cowboys!! =)
I am so ready for the Cowboys tonight! Except I dont think its on tv here so I will have to keep tabs online.
My kids are buddies too, even with almost 6 years between them. All day long while Rhiannon is at school Layla is asking to go pick up sissy
Sounds like a SUPER fun but SUPER busy week:) Grant was kind of lost when Henry started preschool. But I think Eli enjoys the quiet while his two big {and loud} brothers are at school!
I know you want to make these next days special before she starts school. I am sure you are nervous and excited too! I hope it is a smooth transition for the whole family.
Awww I love this post! We had so much fun meeting you and your gang. Minus the pee, it was good times. Our kids played so well together!!
Sounds like you've had a busy week. Us too. We haven't stopped. I thought I was going to lay low tomorrow. HA! Haven't had a day at home with no agenda in TWO WEEKS. Next week it's a must.
CAN'T WAIT to get together again SOON! :)
Sounds like y'all have been having a great time except for the peeing incident! Yum banana bread! I've been wanting to try some scallops. I've never had them.
Brace yourself for what I'm about to say...I am a Texas girl born & raised and I love me some football, but I can't stand the Cowboys! Sorry I hope we can still be friends! : )
Jack just started school this week. Melody starts in two weeks and I know poor Charlie is going to be lonely then.
I love your backyard!!
I'm still in denial that school is about to start! I bet you'll miss your kiddos but that alone time will be so nice (I'm jealous).
OH my gosh, I am stunned by the peeing incident! Gross!! And she just stood there and watched, the things people do! So happy for you that you got to meet up with Ashley and Ava, where are pics of the 2 of you together?:) Can't wait to hear about Layla and how she is likes school, she will do great!!
I know what you mean about the two missing each other...Alex and Emily can really bug each other, but have lots of fun together too :)
What a fun surprise to have a night out to yourselves...and MMMMMM, chips and queso sounds delicious!
Hope you enjoy the next couple of weeks before school...we only have the weekend left! wah! ;)
The school year seems to go so fast, and they grow up too fast right along with it!
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