This little beauty did great today when we dropped her off for her first day of school.
She was loving the camera this morning...cheezin' it up!
I woke her up at 6:45am bright and early. She woke up sooo super excited. She was asking me what I thought they would do first in her classroom. She said, "I'm not scared at all, I just wanna go!" And that made me so was a great morning. She isn't a breakfast eater though, but I made her a smoothie, and I think smoothies will be a huge hit in our house from now on.
Layla walking into the school. She was so proud of her new school clothes, back pack and lunch bag.
The school looks so big behind her. I am much better about the big school today. Yesterday I was super emotional. Thanks for all the prayers! They mean the world to us.
Here is the last picture I took of her before Gary, Hayden and I headed to the kindergarten breakfast. She looked happy with her classmates. You can see her to the right in the picture above.
The kindergarten breakfast was very informative. The principals and counselor went over basic school policies and car pool and bus information. I was very glad we attended, and lots of other families were there too. Hayden did great, he ate a donut and watched the whole presentation. He loved watching the school counselor. He never took his eyes off her as she spoke to the crowd. When the presentation was over Hayden asked for Layla. It was so sweet. He will miss her so much!! So will I, but she is going to LOVE school. She is such a little learner. She really does love to learn.
Here are my boys leaving the school. I am so glad Gary was able to take the day off to hang out with us. Layla was so proud to have him with us, and I am thankful that he was able to play with us this morning.
When we got home I started a few loads of laundry, and Gary did some work in the home office. Hayden was quiet. Oh Lordy...the first thing he did was go straight into Layla's room and crawl up on her bed. That was the sweet part...he then proceeded to draw on her bed with a marker he found. He drew on her comforter. BLahhh!! I was so mad at him. It was a marker that Layla uses to color a purse, so it is permanent for fabric. CRAP! I flipped the comforter over and hope she doesn't notice. I don't want to ruin her day.
After that Hayden and I played in the playroom. We read books and played in the pretend kitchen. He loves to cook and play with food. I realized how little I spend one on one time with him. I am so thankful for the time we will have. After lunch I put him down for a nap...he is out...he was so sleepy. When he wakes up it will be almost time to pick Layla up from her first day. I can't wait to see how it went.
Thanks again for the moral support you all offered via telephone, email, facebook, twitter and blog comments. Just knowing that you all understand helps get this Momma through :)

yay!! what a big girl =))
i'm glad it was smooth sailing...other than the marker on the comforter =(
She is so cute and I'm glad she had a great start. That breakfast sounds really good, so smart to have something like that. You have to wonder how long Hayden has been planning the marker incident :)
So glad she was excited to go.. and congrats on the No Tears thing.. that's huge when it comes to Kinder. Let's hope Hayden feels the same way about Pre-K.
It's so fun when they get so excited! She looks adorable, and so happy! Glad everyone got to go to school together and make it so memorable! Sorry about Layla's comforter...oops! I bet she had the best day!
Her backpack and shoes are adorable! It is hard to leave them on the first day, but you know she is going to have a great year! That is a big school! Is the school close enough for you to walk to it?!?
I love that you can drop your kid off and then do an orientation breakfast. Fab.
Awww, how precious!!!! Hope she had a wonderful first day!!! :)
Glad she enjoyed her day!
Awe-I'm so glad it went well and Layla is the cutest ever! I love all the pictures you took to remember this day. And you will enjoy your time with H now. I can't believe he took a marker to her bed spread!ha..ha..I would be so mad! We need to plan a time to get together soon :)
YAY!! So glad it went well, she looks adorable walking to school! She is a beauty girl! That made me tear up about Hayden going to her room and getting on the bed, sweet boy!! Hoping and praying she has a great rest of the week!
Ohh my she is too cute! And her 1st day outfit is adorable! Thats a really good idea about the smoothies, my mom used to try everything to get me to eat breakfast lol. Hope she (and you all :) have a great week!
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