Sunday, August 8, 2010

single sentence Sunday

School shopping is stressful; I was mistaken and thought it would be tons of fun.


  1. Is your little miss being picky or aren't you finding things you like. One time I took my daughter shopping for a winter coat when she was like 14. I thought no biggie. Oh my gosh, by the end of the day I would have voted for pulling out my finger nails over shopping with her anymore. She liked NOTHING. ARGH. And we spent hrs and hrs looking. Good Luck next time you go!

  2. By the looks of that pose, it seems as though she's having a good time, but I know looks can be deceiving. You're a trooper, Mom.

  3. Well if it is any consolation - Layla is stinkin' cute!!!

  4. haha! I think shopping can be so fun...especially with a girl...but I agree it can be stressful...especially trying to find clothes we both agree on :) Alex is happy not to go shopping and will wear almost whatever I give him!

    Layla is so cute...looks like she's having a good time!

  5. I haven't even started yet!! so behind! Layla looks so cute in that dress, she is full of spunk and sassiness!! Love her!!

  6. Look at that sass! Who wouldn't have fun with all of the posing. She's adorable and I love that dress.

  7. She looks too cute! I'm kind of glad we were uniforms though...not really a whole lot of choices when it comes to school clothes:)


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