Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Dining Room

This week's theme from Show Us Your Life @ Kelly's Korner is Dining Rooms. 

I love my formal dining set.  The chairs are perfect for long dinners and hours of conversation.  They are super comfy for the behind.  I love the glass table.  I'm not sure what I was thinking with two kids, but I'll show you later how I handle the hard, pointy edges of our glass table.

This is a view as you walk into our house from the front door.  The first thing you see is the art niche. {I only posted a peek of it.}  To the left of the art niche is obviously the buffet.  I love decorating with wine glasses, wine bottles and anything wine themed.  Just imagine if the picture above the buffet was of a vineyard.  I am searching for the perfect picture, but haven't found it yet.  The walkway to the left of the buffet leads to the bathroom and kitchen.  And the other walkway leads to the kitchen also.

See our wine corks.  We are saving them for a crafty project.

This is a view from the office doors...looking into the living room, which you saw two weeks ago.  And you can see the yellowish bar...that is the kitchen.  So...close your eyes and imagine the dining room and the walkway going into the living area with rich hand scraped wood floors.  I really need a money tree in my backyard :)  That is our dream, new floors and paint.  We really need to paint this room since it is the first room people see when they walk into my home.  Moving on...

Here is a view from the corner of the room, and you can see the art niche and our home office.

I think this room would be so fun if half the wall above the chair rail was a color and the other below was a more neutral color.  This once again is a reason I need to get busy making things happen.

See that strange thing in the corner of the room...

That is definitely a conversation starter.  It is a bottle of wine in the shape of a fish.  Gary's parents brought home from Spain about 31 years ago.  They had to carry it onto the airplane to get it home.  That would be unheard of these days.  Anyway, we are waiting on a reason to celebrate.  I can't wait to open it.  The wine inside has to be really good, or really bad. HA!

A close up of my dinnerware. I love it, but never use it. I'm not sure why, it is very durable...Hhmmm. Guess I need to break it in :)

See the edges of this lovely table.  They have been responsible for quite a few forehead bonks in this house.  Mostly Layla's head.  By the time we had Hayden we found a trick....

If you surprise me by just showing up at my house you will see the side chairs moved around the table blocking the corners.  IT looks really silly, but it works wonderfully for us.  I know kids shouldn't run in the house, but mine do from time to time...the chairs on the corners help protect those silly heads.

There is another peek into our see more dining rooms and get TONS of decorating ideas visit Kelly's Korner Blog!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Christmas List

Today I am participating in a fun blog party! 

Jessica at Love from Texas has started Tuesday's List again.  Every Tuesday we share our lists...and I love to make lists.  This week we are sharing our Christmas lists.

We have a camera that records video, but I want a more portable option.  This is so cute and fun.

And since we are talking portable....
I'd love something I could just stick into my purse.  My gigantic Cannon Rebel is so heavy, and sometimes I just want a point and shoot camera.

I am really into golfing right now and really need some new golf attire.  I want some fun skorts to wear, so maybe Santa will help me with this lack of golf attire problem.  If he throws in a few matching visors and shirts that would be GREAT!

A Christmas list wouldn't be complete without adding what the kids want.  Both kids are asking for a trampoline.  Layla loved our trampoline and was VERY upset when a spring storm blew through and destroyed it.  She has been asking for one for months and months. While the thought of having a huge trampoline in my backyard again makes me is such an eyesore...I love having one because it keeps the kids very busy :)

Layla has also asked for an iPod.  I think in a couple of months she will be ready to have one.  I know that 5 1/2 years old seems early, but she is my little music lover.  She will do great with a small little Shuffle.

Hayden, being 2 and all, doesn't really get it, so I'm not sure just yet what will be on his list.  For sure the trampoline.  And we already got him a small train set. He needs a golf bag and putter.  He will love anything he gets I'm sure!

Daddy wants a new drill.  I constantly have him doing some home improvement project that requires a drill.  He has worn his out.  Ok, Santa get on this one so Mommy can keep Daddy busy!!

What is on your Christmas List? 

I know it is only the end of September, but it is time to start getting that list going. Click on Jessica's button below to add your list to the party!!

Most importantly I just want my family happy and healthy.  That is the best Christmas gift of all.  When looking at the big picture the material things don't really matter.
Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, September 27, 2010

miscellany monday


I took this pic w/ my iPhone so it isn't the best quality, but I had to share it.  Layla is so into bows right now.  She puts them in her hair all the time.  She had her night gown on and her hair is still wet from her bath, but she has a bow in her hair.


I love my family!  The four of us are so silly all the time.  Gary and I were getting ready for date night and the kids were being so silly.  They were very excited to have a sitter coming over to hang out with them.  It was making them goofy!  We were making silly faces and giggling like crazy.

Why do kids like to stick their tongues out so much?  And then why do parents join in on the silliness?


Gary and I had a Freebird's burrito last week.  I dream about it.  Isn't it sad to dream about food.  That stinkin' burrito was so good and fresh.  Kind of like a burrito version of a Subway sandwich.  You walk through the line and choose the ingredients for your burrito.  If you haven't had Freebirds, you haven't lived.  YUM! So fresh and fattening.  I am back to counting calories today.  After this weekend...Ughhh.  I don't dare stand on the scale.


Another food I dream about often is a BLT sandwich.  Did you know that bacon is it's own food group? { and i wonder why the scale screams at me. i am addicted to food }

I love Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches.  And this one has much more on it than those three things.  I added avocado and this cheese:

Jalapeno cheese...thank you very much Kraft.  YUM!  This cheese is the best ever! And there is a coupon on for $1.00 off.  I printed it a million times, not really, but I printed it as many times as I could.  And also bought the Garlic and Herb flavor.  We love cheese in this house :o)


Meet my Mini Me.  She has been begging for boots for the past few weeks.  I saw these very same boots on Carrie's blog worn by her daughter Emily.  I knew Layla would ♥ them too.  Layla and Emily are twins seperated by a few states. Heehee! Anyway, Layla loves my boots and wanted a pair of 'cowgirl boots'  Thank you Target.  We love Target!!  The denim skirt and boots both came from target...actually I think her whole outfit seen above came from Target.  Layla didn't want to wear the tights, but she has an ant bite on her leg.  It is really icky...I didn't want her to bump it and it hurt her, so she is just sporting tights today.  It is on the chilly side here anyway {thank you Lord for this weather} so she is ok with the tights!

Click on over and join in on the is fun :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Have a great Monday Y'all!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good Times

We had a really fun super weekend.  It was the best I have had in a really long time.  I love my kids, but I miss hanging out with just Gary.  He is my best friend, and having adult time is awesome.  We always have fun on date nights.  Friday night we went to the Stockyards.  The Stockyards of Fort Worth are so stinkin' fun for two Texas Country music lovers.  We thought about going to Joe T's, but changed our minds.  We honestly would have had fun at McDonald's!!  But we were celebrating so many things, we decided to have a ball.  And we we are before we left the house.

My honey, sporting a beard...

And here I am acting like a nerd...

I am really good at being a nerd :))

We went to The White Elephant, then we went to a few other fun spots.  Of course we had to go to The Basement.  And a fun girl was playing guitar and jamming out.  She was so cute and fun to listen to.  She and I really should start a band...ha!

Then of course a night on the town isn't complete if you don't visit The Lonesome Dove.  Everything tasted so devine.  I couldn't believe how yummy and delicious our appetizers were.  We had duck spring rolls.  They were to die for. 

Saturday Layla and I had a girls only lunch/shopping date.  We did a bit of shopping at Target.  She got a pair of pink cowgirl boots.  She is  so excited about them.  She also got a fun hot pink tutu skirt.  She has been asking for one for a couple weeks.  And since she is doing so well in school I felt like spoiling her a bit.  Then we went to pick up MeMaw at her assisted living home.  Tuesday is her birthday and so Gary grilled up chicken fajitas for her to enjoy.  It was a fun visit with the family.

Gary, MeMaw and Aunt Suzie.

MeMaw blowing out her 4 candles.  She is turning 74 on the 28th!

After the birthday cake and celebration Gary and I took MeMaw home and we went to Grapevine.  We had a super fun time at Love and War in Texas.  We had dinner with some amazing friends.  It was a night to remember for sure!

My meal came with a piece of cornbread. I loved everything about it.  It tasted like cake. Mmmmmm :)  The cole slaw was good too. My meals both nights were wonderful.

Today we enjoyed a day of church, playing outside and football.  The weather was wonderful.  I love this time of year and really hope that the temps stay cool!  How was your weekend?

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Master Bedroom

Kelly @ Kelly's Korner is doing a home tour this fall.  It is called "Show Us Your Life."  Every Friday bloggers can take a peek into each others homes.  It is so fun and a great way to get to know each other, and get decorating ideas.  This week is Master Bedrooms.  My master bedroom need some serious decorating!  We have put our bedroom on the back burner while we fix up the rest of the house.

Here is a look from the entrance into the bedroom.  All the pictures in our room are of Gary and I throughout our marriage and there is a picture of Gary and I when we were babies on my bedside table.  I love that our room is all about the two of us ONLY!

When I showed Gary this picture he said, "It looks like a hotel."  It isn't very warm and cozy.  I want our initials over each of our bedside tables, and "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" above the bed.  Oh and PAINT!  The room needs some serious paint!


When I took this picture I was standing on my side of the bed.  That is my dresser to the right, and Gary uses the chest.  The chair is a chair that was in Gary's grandmothers house.

Harley was asleep on her doggie bed and she woke up to say hello!  There is a doggie bed on each side of our bed for each dog.  They don't have certain spots, they mix it up.  Callaway usually sleeps in our closet.  He starts out the night in the closet and then ends up on a doggie bed.

Gary's side of the bed.  I was standing in the bathroom doorway when I took this pic.

This view is from Gary's bedside table looking into our master bathroom.
Hanging on our wall to the right is our marriage license.  See it with the gold frame?  Every day we are reminded of that great day 10 years ago.

This view is also from the bathroom looking towards the doorway to the entrance/exit.  See the amazing vaulted ceilings.  Some paint would really make those pop!  And of course there is Miss Harley posing again.  HA!!  The chest to the left was also in his grandmothers house, it is full of Christmas gifts for the kids...Shhhh!  Don't tell :)

And this is the last can see the antique TV that never gets watched.  I think we watch it for about 20 minutes at night when we watch the news in bed.  I guess that is why we aren't in a rush to get a newer one.  I'm thinking paint is in order before a new TV!  But what color?  Just when I think I am ready for a new comforter I end up falling in love with mine all over again.  So if I keep my current decor...what color should I paint the walls?

Oh, and I just had to show you...Callaway really does sleep in our closet...he is a silly pup for sure.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting our master bedroom!