Tuesday, September 7, 2010

extreme make-over chair edition

I will begin this post by saying I'm sorry for tooting my own horn, but am truly bending over backwards right now patting myself on the back.  I just dislocated my shoulder.  I have never done something so crafty in my entire life.  I love to color with the kids and play play dough. I can cut out a mean shaped sandwich with a cookie cutter.   I can sew a button on a shirt if it falls off, but that is about it.  So, me doing this to a chair~it has to go down in the history books.  I did have a bit of help from Gary, but 90 % of this was done my me.

I found this chair at a garage sale for $8.00. 

 It stunk...smelt like cigarettete smoke.  Gag!

I sanded it down.

Gary took an inch off the legs of the chair...it was too tall for Layla's desk.

I recovered the crusty smelly seat....

with a pillow case I used to sleep on when I was a kid.

 I had a little helper too.

I painted it pink...requested by the princess we purchased the chair for.

We put the seat back on...and there you have it!

It was fun, and now I know I can do crafty stuff, I may do more soon.

Most importantly, Layla LOVES it! 

Oh, and I found the desk for $20. On Craigslist.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I'm a DIY gal, too! Love these kinds of posts! Keep 'em coming!!!

  2. So CUTE! I love pink and green and especially polka dots! I love it and it is always more special seeing something that you did yourself ;) give yourself another pat or two on the back!

  3. That was your gateway craft lol- you will be doing more soon for sure! Look forward to seeing it- love the chair!

  4. Look at you... That is so awesome! and you make it sound so simple. It came out great and I can see why Ms. Layla would love it.

  5. You should be ABSOLUTELY excited!!!! That is a great chair redo.

  6. It looks so cute & girly! I love it!

  7. Angie that chair is absolutely adorable! I love the color and the polka dots:) Now that you see how fun crafting is, I bet you will be making all kinds of fun crafty stuff.

  8. OMG! Angie that looks FABULOUS! I love her chair and her little desk...I would have loved that at her age! Thank goodness she has a crafty momma :)

  9. That chair rocks! I love it! So happy you commented at my blog because I meant to tell you all day how much I.loved.that.chair.

  10. I am loving your makeover. So so cute!! And how precious that she will now sit her hiney on the same pillowcase where you once lay your head. HAHA! I couldn't resist. I DO LOVE IT!!!

  11. Awesome job...you should be proud:-) Keep on patting your own back...definitely do more crafty stuff!!!

  12. You should be tooting your own horn, you did a great job! These things don't come easy for me and I can totally appreciate your hard work! I bet your daughter will remember that pretty chair forever!

  13. Girl, that chair looks awesome!!!! :)


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