Monday, September 27, 2010

miscellany monday


I took this pic w/ my iPhone so it isn't the best quality, but I had to share it.  Layla is so into bows right now.  She puts them in her hair all the time.  She had her night gown on and her hair is still wet from her bath, but she has a bow in her hair.


I love my family!  The four of us are so silly all the time.  Gary and I were getting ready for date night and the kids were being so silly.  They were very excited to have a sitter coming over to hang out with them.  It was making them goofy!  We were making silly faces and giggling like crazy.

Why do kids like to stick their tongues out so much?  And then why do parents join in on the silliness?


Gary and I had a Freebird's burrito last week.  I dream about it.  Isn't it sad to dream about food.  That stinkin' burrito was so good and fresh.  Kind of like a burrito version of a Subway sandwich.  You walk through the line and choose the ingredients for your burrito.  If you haven't had Freebirds, you haven't lived.  YUM! So fresh and fattening.  I am back to counting calories today.  After this weekend...Ughhh.  I don't dare stand on the scale.


Another food I dream about often is a BLT sandwich.  Did you know that bacon is it's own food group? { and i wonder why the scale screams at me. i am addicted to food }

I love Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches.  And this one has much more on it than those three things.  I added avocado and this cheese:

Jalapeno cheese...thank you very much Kraft.  YUM!  This cheese is the best ever! And there is a coupon on for $1.00 off.  I printed it a million times, not really, but I printed it as many times as I could.  And also bought the Garlic and Herb flavor.  We love cheese in this house :o)


Meet my Mini Me.  She has been begging for boots for the past few weeks.  I saw these very same boots on Carrie's blog worn by her daughter Emily.  I knew Layla would ♥ them too.  Layla and Emily are twins seperated by a few states. Heehee! Anyway, Layla loves my boots and wanted a pair of 'cowgirl boots'  Thank you Target.  We love Target!!  The denim skirt and boots both came from target...actually I think her whole outfit seen above came from Target.  Layla didn't want to wear the tights, but she has an ant bite on her leg.  It is really icky...I didn't want her to bump it and it hurt her, so she is just sporting tights today.  It is on the chilly side here anyway {thank you Lord for this weather} so she is ok with the tights!

Click on over and join in on the is fun :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Have a great Monday Y'all!!


  1. I always put avocado on my BLTS. So good. Even better with a good pumpernickel rye. Mmmhmmm! I don't like my scale right now, either. ;) Layla's boots are adorable!

  2. That burrito looks like you have that there. I love Chipotle :) I love the pictures of you guys being's what keeps us young. Cute boots!

  3. Thanks, now I'm hungry!!! That burrito and BLT looks yummy! Love the silly pics those are the best and I just love those pink boots!

  4. OMG! Layla looks like such a diva in that last photo with her boots!! Watch out for the boys!!

    Yumm, Jalapeno cheese!? I am definitely going to pick this up next time I do my grocery shopping! Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. You know we love bows so we can relate!! lol

    Thanks for the info about the cowgirl boots from target. I may have to run to target. Lillian would love some cowgirl boots, but the only ones weve seen have been at the mall for 50.00...I am sure Target is much more reasonable!

  6. I dream about food too.,...

    I love that she is modeling the boots all hands on her hips and everything!

  7. Rhiannon has been asking for boots lately too...I might have to make a trip to Target!

  8. All that food looks SO darn good! I'm starving right now but too lazy to get off my hiney and cook dinner. I love avacado...never thought to put it on a blt, but you can bet I'll try it now! LOVE your little Layla's boots...and love the name Layla! So cute!

  9. Miss priss looks so cute in those pink boots! And you are making me hungry with all your yummy food! Now I want a BLT and I don't think we have any B or T in our house today!

  10. Layla is such a doll! Her and Emily would be great friends ;) She looks adorable in those boots! We LOVE Target :) I love her denim skirt!

    That burrito and BLT look scrumptious! I love bacon too! I could put it on anything! ;)

    So fun that you had a great date night! Dan and I don't get to do that often, and it's so good to get out! And it's great that the kids love having a sitter too! Everyone has fun :)


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