Thursday, September 2, 2010

the moments before

we dropped Hayden off at preschool.

*His thoughts...

Look mom, it's my lunch box. I am so excited about it!

I think there might be food in there.  I better check inside.

Instead of posing for pictures like Mommy asked me, I'm gonna get into this lunch box.

I can't seem to get it unzipped.  Please stop asking me to say cheese. 
Speaking of cheese, did you pack me a slice?

Maybe if I turn it this way.

Hey mommy, can you help me...

get into this lunch box.

I love food and I bet there are chips in here.

What are we doing here?  I'm not so sure about this.

Why are you putting my back pack and lunch box in there?

But I will give it a try because you are asking me too.

Gary and I left the class room and Hayden was screaming and throwing a fit.  We didn't leave the building for another few minutes, but when we did he had calmed down.  And luckily he did great the rest of the day.  He gave his teacher two hugs and a kiss when we left at the end of the day....sweet little man. When I asked him he told me he wanted to go back.  I hope he does because I enjoyed my time. 

Oh, and just in case you were wondering....he barely ate lunch at all.  I guess there was too much excitement!


  1. Awww...I remember those days. I'll be right there again in a year or two. I hope he gets used to it quickly, makes it easier on everyone! :)

  2. Not the crying...but I'm glad he got better. That is a pretty cool lunch box. He's going to have a ton of fun.

  3. Aw, he is so cute!!!
    I think the first few days are always the hardest. My kids ALL through fits. He looks pretty snazzy with his little lunch bag though :)

  4. Glad he had a good day! The first day is always the hardest... Enjoy your alone time =)

  5. He is toooooooooo cute!!!!!!!! So glad he had a great first day despite a rocky start!!!

  6. Sweet little Hayden! Love these pics and sorry he was crying when you left, but I'm so happy it didn't last and he had a great rest of the day!

  7. aw!!! he is just TOO CUTE!!! i'm glad his first day ended up going well :) hopefully drop off time will get easier every day.

  8. Such a sweet boy! I would have cried if I left him crying! I can't even manage the church nursery right now. Ahhh!

  9. Oh what a sweet boy! You will be so thankful for all these moments you capture on camera someday :) He looks precious and I know you enjoyed your "me" time too!!!

  10. I love the commentary! I really do wonder what they are thinking sometimes:) He looks like such a big boy going to school already! Is it just a few days a week?

  11. What a handsome little man :) Love the lunch box...something to get pretty excited funny he didn't eat much, haha!

    LOVE the glad he had a great day and is wanting to go back! :)

  12. So glad it went well. Drew starts this next Wed and I know he is going to have issues. He has never been away from me.

  13. I am convinced that half the time kids scream and throw fits just to give their parents anxiety! I'm glad he calmed down!


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