Friday, September 17, 2010

My living room

Kelly at Kelly's Korner is doing a Show Us your Life series. 
Today is the first day and we are doing tours of one anothers homes, today is living rooms.

I love this idea.  When I was growing up my Auntie always wants to know where people live.  She had to visit each of my houses and dorm room as soon as I moved so she knew what it was like.  I am the SAME way.  I love to see where people drink their coffee, live and laugh.  I love to get decorating ideas.  This is going to be so fun!  I am going to try to join in and post my 'rooms' every week.  I think you will learn so much about me and my style by seeing my house.

Let me start by saying I love my house. I love the floor plan.  I love the open concept.  It works for our family.  I spend so much time in the kitchen, so having my house VERY open is WONDERFUL!

This is a look from the formal dining room/entry way.

The kitchen is on the right, bar with two stools and then you can see just how open the house is...the breakfast area is right there.  That table is were tons of eating and living in done! 

It is safe to say we live in these two rooms. 

See those big leather couches...yes we have two couches.  If you visit me they will put you right to sleep.  Not because we aren't fun to hang out with, but they are so flippin' comfy.  If you are at my house you usually have a full tummy and so the next place you wanna be is sitting on the sofa resting and enjoying the football game or good conversation.  I can name many, many, many friends and family members taking cat naps on those couches.  Gary and I wouldn't have it any other way.  We love entertaining and hope that people always feel comfy and at home in our home.

The coffee table is back. We moved it out of the house after the 345th head bonk.  That thing jumps and and puts knots on kids heads.  I really like the wrestle room we have when it isn't there.  I'm thinking we will do without a coffee table when we purchase new end tables...we'll see.

This is a view I am not so comfortable with.  I am not a huge fan of this piece of furniture. {the tv stand}  It has been in Gary's family for ages, blah blah...sorry honey.  I don't not like it, but I really want something different.  I think we will redo it.  Re-stain, put new fixtures on and just make it darker.  It matches our current coffee table and end tables, but those are currently for sale too.  So these pics are great for a before and after post.  Most of my family and friends like the piece, they say I obsess about it.  Ugh? me...ha!

Oh, that was a view from my kitchen.  I was standing between the kitchen and breakfast area.

This is a view from my back door.  The back door leads out to our fun backyard.  We spend countless hours out there, and if you read my blog, you know this about and playing outside...that is our fam.  I love our mantle and fireplace.  We have gas logs, sometimes I miss the smell of a real fire, but Gary's allergies don't.  I love having the warmth of a fire in the winter.  I sit in my chair with my toes hanging to the side getting toasty from the warm inviting fireplace.

Here is a close up of the mantle.  I  know terrible shot.  Ughhh!  I didn't get the best pic.  We put pictures of our babies on the mantle.  Layla is on the left and Hayden is on the right.  There is a story behind both pics...for later.  I love seeing those baby faces day in and day out.

I took this shot so you can see the kitchen sink. 
And see my fall candle.  I am so giddy about fall :)
And right above the candle is the toy basket.  If the toy doesn't fit in the basket the toy doesn't stay in the living room.  I know...rules...blah!  But I love everything in it's place.  I can't sit down at night if the living room and kitchen are a mess.  I love the feeling of picked up and somewhat clean.  I may have a bit of dust sometimes, but most of the time the kids keep their toys picked up.

This my friends is my chair.  I love this chair.  Our living room used to be purple...until I fell madly in love with this chair.  I love her.  I want an ottoman for her.  Someday soon she will have a nice comfy ottoman for my leggy legs.  Anyway, we still have the purple pillows on the might can see them.  I need to get pillow covers, or new pillows, but one thing about me...I am so fickle.  I like change.  If I get a wild hair I will move our couches around to change up the room.  The purple pillows are so comfy and I haven't been able to find red pillows that I like.

Thanks for stopping by my living room.  I think next week is master bedrooms.  See ya then :)


  1. Love it! Our floor plans are similar. Our kitchen/breakfast/living areas are all open like that. Your chair is adorable!

  2. It's so fun to see how everyone lives and decorates! I love that chair!! And I love the crosses above your fireplace mantel. My living room still isn't completely finished and we started working on it back in April!

  3. I love it girl!! I am so glad I am getting to see it! It's so warm and inviting, I just wanna come over and play!! Love your colors!

  4. Your living room is beautiful. I'm with Heather, I wanna come over too, ha!!! :)

  5. Since I'm so visual I really love this post. Your home is very welcoming and I love your mantel. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I love it. Looks so comfy & cozy. I love the openness and wish my home had a layout like that.

  7. Your living room makes me want to just have a seat on your couch and drink some tea

  8. Oh, I love this! So warm and comfy. And if my bum hit that sofa I would be out, sleeping like a baby. And I am soooo like you....I like for people to feel comfy in my home.

  9. I LOVE that chair!!! It's so me. If you ever need a home for her, you know who to call!! :) Your living room is beautiful. I love the color on your dining room wall!

    Hope you're having a great Friday!!♥

  10. i'm with your friends - and you - i love this chair as well!

  11. You are way more brave than me. I could not do this. LOL (I'd have to clean first!)
    We got rid of coffee tables too. Now we have ottomans. Big ones. The kids LOVE to lay on them and watch TV and no sharp corners.

    My thoughts on your colors are this: Purple goes great with brick red, mustard and all the stuff in your house. From these pictures, I think it works well together. Just throw a purple pillow in that gorgeous chair and you are golden.

  12. I love it! Hopefully sometimes soon I will SEE this fab room with the comfy sofas :P I will not fall asleep though I promise!

  13. How pretty! Thanks for sharing. I really like the chair by the fireplace. Have a great weekend!

  14. I LOVE looking at other people's houses too. And I love your living room. I can't wait until kitchens because I caught a glimpse of the wall decor by your kitchen table and it looked interesting.

  15. btw, we had that same coffee table problem and got one of those big ottoman coffee tables. They can play around and not get hurt and we can still have a place to put things!

  16. Love this girlie!! So open and inviting and I love the window treatments!!

    Summer :0)

  17. What a cozy space! Love your fun chair!

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"

  18. I love the open floor plan too. That is what we chose for our new house. It makes things easier to keep an eye on my small kids. I LOVE THAT CHAIR!! :) We just moved to Texas at the beginning of this year.. I'm loving it here!

  19. I think your living room looks like a great space. I just love how open everything is. And though couches do look really comfortable. I think that's really the main thing to go for when looking for a couch

  20. Your living room looks so cozy, I really like the colors of your couches.


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