Friday, September 24, 2010

My Master Bedroom

Kelly @ Kelly's Korner is doing a home tour this fall.  It is called "Show Us Your Life."  Every Friday bloggers can take a peek into each others homes.  It is so fun and a great way to get to know each other, and get decorating ideas.  This week is Master Bedrooms.  My master bedroom need some serious decorating!  We have put our bedroom on the back burner while we fix up the rest of the house.

Here is a look from the entrance into the bedroom.  All the pictures in our room are of Gary and I throughout our marriage and there is a picture of Gary and I when we were babies on my bedside table.  I love that our room is all about the two of us ONLY!

When I showed Gary this picture he said, "It looks like a hotel."  It isn't very warm and cozy.  I want our initials over each of our bedside tables, and "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" above the bed.  Oh and PAINT!  The room needs some serious paint!


When I took this picture I was standing on my side of the bed.  That is my dresser to the right, and Gary uses the chest.  The chair is a chair that was in Gary's grandmothers house.

Harley was asleep on her doggie bed and she woke up to say hello!  There is a doggie bed on each side of our bed for each dog.  They don't have certain spots, they mix it up.  Callaway usually sleeps in our closet.  He starts out the night in the closet and then ends up on a doggie bed.

Gary's side of the bed.  I was standing in the bathroom doorway when I took this pic.

This view is from Gary's bedside table looking into our master bathroom.
Hanging on our wall to the right is our marriage license.  See it with the gold frame?  Every day we are reminded of that great day 10 years ago.

This view is also from the bathroom looking towards the doorway to the entrance/exit.  See the amazing vaulted ceilings.  Some paint would really make those pop!  And of course there is Miss Harley posing again.  HA!!  The chest to the left was also in his grandmothers house, it is full of Christmas gifts for the kids...Shhhh!  Don't tell :)

And this is the last can see the antique TV that never gets watched.  I think we watch it for about 20 minutes at night when we watch the news in bed.  I guess that is why we aren't in a rush to get a newer one.  I'm thinking paint is in order before a new TV!  But what color?  Just when I think I am ready for a new comforter I end up falling in love with mine all over again.  So if I keep my current decor...what color should I paint the walls?

Oh, and I just had to show you...Callaway really does sleep in our closet...he is a silly pup for sure.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting our master bedroom!


  1. haha the dogs were precious in the photos! i love the sleeping in the closet! precious!

  2. How fun to see this! I love that you framed your marriage license...great idea.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post! Your room is so pretty and peaceful!

  4. My vote is for a silvery/blue wall color. Very pretty :)

    Thanks for the nice comments!


  5. Angie your bedroom is beautiful!

    Your doggie has the right idea. Closets are perfect for napping. I do that too. He!

    Happy fall sweet friend!
    ~Melissa :)

  6. Thanks for the sweet comment! I like how your dogs have to be right where the action is! I also like that you have light wood furniture too! Everyone has dark furniture!

  7. That comforter is gorgeous! I would get your paint color from there and run with it! Maybe a shade darker than the background color? Have fun decorating!

  8. I love your comforter! I say darker/warmer paint on the walls. Maybe some vinyl lettering on the wall above your bed?

    Hope you have a great weekend!♥

  9. I love your bedding and that you have matching furniture! We just have a headboard and an old chest that was my great grandfathers. I think a really rich {but not dark} gray would be great on your walls especially with the bedding that you have!

  10. That is such a good idea about framing your marriage license.. I think I may just do that!

  11. What about painting it a true grey color...not too dark though to compete with the furniture - or too light that it won't look like you painted! (It looks like your comforter has a grey/blueish hue to it, right?!)

    Love the four legged friends in the pictures!! :)

    Have a nice weekend Angie!

  12. I like your bedroom! Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day.

  13. I love your bedding. I wouldn't change it. When looking at these pics, I couldn't help but think that my bedroom paint color would look great with your bedding. It's "Sands of Time" from Sherwin Williams. It's a really nice neutral and it's warm without being dark. I also think that a soft blue would look nice. Cute lil doggie, by the way!!! :-)

  14. Your bedroom is so pretty Angie! I love your furniture and the bedding is so pretty!! Callaway is such a cutie!!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some comment love! Your room is beautiful!

  16. I LOVE your new room. The windows are fabulous, and it looks so homey. Your stuff looks like it's just meant to be there! I love the shelves around the windows, too. My husband hates hanging curtains and installing blinds, too. I am, sarah, fan of all good decorating ideas

  17. We did the same thing with our room..keeping ourselves last! Your room is very cute!

  18. I like the comforter! And that's a pretty big room...I would go for a bold color!


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