Sunday, September 19, 2010

single sentence Sunday

It is so not cool that my son is sweating this badly in mid September; come on FALL weather get here now!!


  1. Im with ya girl! Set a record high today!

  2. I totally agree! I've never been this ready for cooler weather! Cute pic too!!!

  3. People have been begging for the fall weather here in the ATL too. While I admit it would be nice to be a bit cooler...I'm not ready for COLD weather so I'll just sticks with the heat please. ;)

  4. But I love his little sweaty, red face!! :) So ready for fall too!!

  5. He looks so hot! We are supposed to have temps in the high 80's this week and that's crazy to me.

  6. He is SO cute!! Unfortunately I sweat like that too - ha! So ready for fall. Love your blog!

  7. I am so ready for fall to be here! I love to let my boys wear cute overalls when the temps cool down:)


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