Sunday, September 5, 2010

weekend update

We had a fun and productive weekend.  I am so tired!  I feel like all we did was work all weekend.  We didn't really, but we did get caught up on some home projects.  A trip to Home Depot had Gary and I busy all afternoon today.

I got yellow mums!  I love fall...and mums. I got yellow to match the already yellow and blue decor in our back yard. I hope they are yellow.  I always buy mums that haven't bloomed.  So...I have to trust the color pot they are in...ha!  Hoping for yellow this year.

Gary got paint and wood for the work area of his smoker.  He was busy all afternoon doing a makeover on his precious smoker.  I love that smoker, so yes it is precious.  It cooks precious yummy food.

The weather was wonderful this weekend.  It was still hot, but not unbearable.  We spent every second we could outside.  Here's a shot of Hayden with a popsicle.  He wasn't too happy about it.  I just poured cranberry juice in a popsicle mold.  It probably wasn't the best popsicle but it was a cold treat.

Layla was a bit of a pill this weekend.  She is so tired from school, but refuses to nap.  She has tested every once of patience that Gary and have.  Oh! the joy of having a headstrong, beautiful 5 year old.  She wants to do  everything for herself.  She is a toot...end of story.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  I can't wait to show you guys the crafty side of me.  I did something I never thought I'd do, and I must share.  So, I will post that later this week. 

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  1. I love the beautiful weather you are getting! Every so slightly jealous of course :)
    And I am imagining that this next week is going to be a huge transition with the kids and school... I have a feeling they are going to be ti-i-ired!!

  2. Mums are gorgeous! We've been lucky to have a few cooler than usual days here and now I'm ready for Fall! Happy Labor Day!

  3. I love mums! Nothing says fall like they do :)

  4. I love mums too and they mean Fall to me...I planted some this weekend too! I love yellow...and purple :) I know what it's like to have a little one who wants to do it ALL on her own ;)

    glad you had a good productive weekend and had some time to relax too...those are the best!

  5. I showed Rondell Gary's smoker and he said "ooohhh." He'd love to have one. I think this transition from summer to school has all of the kids acting crazy...mine included! Hope it all gets better. Hey, did I ever say thank you for sending me the email about waiting...something else I needed to read! Thank you!

  6. I need me a smoker! Love the mums and that blue pot! I love that you said she is a toot, end of story!! Our girls would get along great!! SO glad you had a great weekend and the heat wasn't too bad!

  7. I was just thinking earlier about how excited I am to buy some mums soon!

  8. I love mums too...but I am way to good at killing them! I usually have to buy them twice each fall because I always kill the first ones:)


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