Wednesday, September 22, 2010

workful wednesday

I am so tired I can barely move!  I am sore....I think I lifted more weight today than I could have at any gym.

Today after we dropped the kids off at school we did a total office renovation.  Gary thought it would take us a couple of TOOK.US.ALL.DAY!  I'm thankful the kids were at school, but now I don't get my few hours of me time for the week. BoooHooo for me, I know I shouldn't be selfish.  But our home office is getting organized!  We still have somethings we need to do to get it all perfect, but for now Gary is sort of set and and ready to work.  His printer {the size of Texas} is all set up and our home network is running smoothly. We still need to hang some pictures and the clock.  And I want to change some of the things on top of the desk hutch.  It is hard for me to not take over in there.  But this is Gary's office.  I have to realize he will be in there 5 days a week.  It is looking REALLY manly right about now!

I hope you had a great Wednesday...I am off to watch Modern Family!!  I am so happy about fall TV :)


  1. It looks like you got a lot done! I love that his printer is the size of Texas:) I'm SUPER excited about new tv too!

  2. I love a good days work at home like that.

  3. Whoo hoo! Doesn't that feel good to get that done. I'm sure it will be a great place for Gary (and you) to enjoy. Hope you enjoyed Modern Family. I taped it and plan on watching soon...too funny.

  4. Sorry you missed out on you ME time, but your office looks great!! It'll be worth the hard work!

    Hope you're having a great day!♥

  5. That always happens to me...think something will be quick and it takes all day!

  6. I understand about having "me" time! His office looks like it's coming together :) I LOVE Modern's one of my faves. Do ya'll want to go to the fair? I have never been to the TX state fair before!


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