Our little Cinderella and Buzz LightYear had a great time today on Halloween. We are so lucky to live in a great neighborhood. We walked around for about an hour and it was perfect for our tired munchkins. We went to the AirShow (will post pics later) earlier today, so I was really worried about Trick or Treating. But the kids did great. Hayden wore his costume tonight and yesterday for the Carnival too. I was so happy!! We were worried he wouldn't wear it at all. He wouldn't put the hood on, but that was fine with us.
Getting ready to head out the door.
To infinity and beyond.
Cinderella...so sweet!
The first house. Layla is showing Hayden how it is done!
Walking back down the sidewalk. Hayden was walking really slow tonight...Layla kept getting onto him. She wanted him to speed up. All he wanted to do was stare at the other kids and their costumes. It was so funny.
This porch was a bit scary for Hayden, but he did ok. Big Sissy helped him!
They are both realizing their buckets are getting heavier. I loved the smiles on their faces when they got home and saw all their treasures! There is no better feeling than seeing your kids happy. The dentist will he happy too...he will be raking in the cash from all the Halloween cavities! I brushed our kids teeth extra hard tonight...ha!!
I hope you and your family had a wonderful and safe Halloween!