This is a blog post for the memory book for sure.
Oh my goodness, if I had know how much fun these silly vampire teeth were...I'd have bought them a long time ago.
After Layla and Hayden saw one of their little friends picture on Facebook they were very curious about these silly teeth. I needed to pick up a few things from Wal Mart, so I grabbed a package. The package came with several colors: green, white, purple, and orange. A color for every mood, and several of each, so there wasn't much fighting over who gets what color. And as the title of the post really was the best $2.00 I have spent in a long time!
It took Hayden awhile to figure out how to get them in his mouth. He is checking Layla out...
Now he gets it and has on the crazy glasses we got from Sonic a few weeks ago. He looks like he is from outer space!!
Layla ran around all weekend trying to make scary faces. I laughed so much my abs are sore.
Hayden is fist pumping how awesome he looks with green teeth.
And they tried to get the dogs to wear them too.
Oh my...
Poor Harley, she finally just laid down and wore them on her nose. She is such a good sport.
Callaway wanted no part of the silly~ness.
Scary face!!

It is neat how the simplest things can be so fun for our kids! Glad they had fun playing together!
i love cheap entertainment! i'm sure the dog didn't share the same thought! haha that was priceless!
TOO cute!!! :)
It's always the cheaper things that are the biggest hit. Great pictures.
AWESOME!! Gotta love cheap entertainment...for you and the kiddos! :) Looks like Harley wasn't too impressed though. LOL :) I LOVE the pictures!
Definitely money well spent!
hahahahaha!! I'm cracking up over here at 1am in the morning at these pics. Ava would have loved joining in this fun. And the dog too? That's just too funny.
Those look like so much fun! I love that they tried to get the dog to wear them too:) My great uncle bought my boys some bubba teeth last year and they thought they were the coolest thing ever!!
So hilarious! I've got to get some of those!
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