Monday, October 4, 2010

Our weekend

* My son was breaking my heart earlier today.  He was so upset to be at preschool.  He was good for a few weeks and then something triggered and now he isn't into school so much.  His music teacher is one of my friends, so if he doesn't calm down for some reason, they will call me.  But it is just hard.  And because he is so upset I want him to continue going to Mother's Day out.  I think it is so good for kids to have that time.  He needs to get over his anxiety.  He does calm himself down.  If he were upset all day, I'd take him out of school.  I think we are doing the right thing, but this parenting thing is hard.  One thing I have learned is to NOT JUDGE OTHER PARENTS OR PEOPLE in general. It drives me crazy when people on twitter or Facebook judge people they have never met.  I will stop there...that is another post for another day that I have been writing.

 Look at his little face...I took this picture this morning before school.   He looks happy a little...ha!

*Our weekend was fun, eventful and FULL.  Except for yesterday.  It ended up being a low key day.  Layla got sick on Saturday night.  Bless her heart.  I don't like seeing my kids sick.  So Sunday we skipped church in case she was contagious.  She didn't get sick again, so we think she is good to go. It must have been something she ate.

* We went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday morning.  I don't know what I was thinking.  NOT SMART.  We met Becky and Connor there while Gary and Terence played a round of golf.  I don't think I got to say one entire sentence to Becky.  The place was packed...I have been every year for 3 years and I have never seen it so busy.  My kids were tired and Hayden was all over the place.  He threw the biggest fit and screamed and cried.  Bless his heart...he was just WAY over tired. So we cut that trip short and came home for naps.  We will be going back to the pumpkin patch very soon.  The place rocks!

The one picture of Layla with her arms drooping says it all...she was so stinkin' tired.  That bounce house will wear kids smooth out :)

Look how sweet Connor is...I just love his little face.  He is the best baby.  Such a sweet and happy boy.  Terence and Becky are wonderful parents.

*The Branches came over for a fun fajita dinner. I was so excited to get to put my kids to bed and visit with grown ups. And then Layla threw up. I was sad that I didn't get to have very much adult time, but happy that Layla had her mommy to comfort her.  Thanks for the fun day Becky...we will get together again soon.  Hopefully next time it won't be so crazy, however life with two kids is always crazy and fun.  I love it :)

*Sunday we went on a nature walk. It was so fun. We played at the park, picked acorns and threw rocks in the pond.  The weather was AMAZING.  We soaked in as much of it as we could without tiring Layla out.  I watched her really close all day for fear she would barf again.

* I got a new ottoman. A Pottery Barn ottoman from a garage sale for $20.00. The people selling it were so sweet and so nice.  They had some amazing things for sale.  They have wonderful taste.  I could have gone nuts on their stuff.  I can't even begin to tell you how many bargains I have found at garage sales.  It am so addicted to it. And I am so happy about this ottoman.  Now I just need new end tables for my living room lamps.  And I need to redo my entertainment center thingy. nd I am rambling...

 But look at the kids on the new piece. Monkeys I tell you.  I am raising monkeys.

Have a great Monday :)


  1. Poor Hayden...he will get better. Jamison was like that with her preschool and then she loved it. I'm glad Layla feels better...vomit, not my thing. It is hard sometimes to enjoy yourself with little ones but I'm sure Becky is such a great friend she understands. You'll just have to really live it up next time :)

  2. Poor guy, I hope it gets better for him. And glad Layla is feeling better. Love the pics :)

  3. Sounds like a fun and eventful weekend. Glad you little girl is feeling better. Those pumpkin patch pictures are the ones with the drooping arms:-) Awesome garage sale score!!!! I wish I was better at going to garage sales. Seriously I haven't gone to any this year.

  4. Girl, what a fun weekend! I can't wait to do the pumpkin patch. Love your picture collage! SO cute! I am so sorry that Hayden is having such a hard time with school. I'm praying that it will get easier for him. Praying for Layla too, hope she is feeling better today. How fun that Becky's family came over to eat! Love it!

  5. Thanks for the comment! :) Glad to find your blog!

  6. I had the best time with ya'll! I love that ottoman too...I'm going garage saling with YOU! Wow! Poor little Hayden, maybe he'll turn around again and start liking it better :( I want to go to Sam Moon ASAP!!! Also-you are a GREAT Momma! You can tell that you and Gary are great parents and that's all that matters!

  7. Eli has been crying a lot when I drop him off at the nursery at church. I guesse it may just be their age. He calms down after a few minutes, but he is never happy to see me go! Sounds like a fun weekend. I love all the pumpkin patch pictures. Don't you hate when you plan something and it doesn't go the way you planned. I'm sure the kiddos still had a great time! Great find at the garage sale...that ottoman looks really nice for only $20!


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