Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hurting heart

I am so glad today is wordless wednesday.  I have no words for how I am feeling.
I will post again when I can see through my tears.

April 30, 1998 -- November 10, 2010


  1. Awe, Angie. I am so sorry. Sending virtual hugs to you right now.

  2. Angie I'm so sorry... and so sad for your entire family. =(

  3. Oh no!!! That is awful....waaaaahhhhh!!!! That is so sad :(

  4. Oh no :( I'm so sorry! I know he will be missed...thinking of you and your family.

  5. Oh Angie, I am SO sorry. I have a good friend who just lost a beloved dog this week too. I'm sending you big hugs from Ohio ((()))

  6. Tears are rolling down my face, I can't imagine yours. May God give you the strength to tell the kiddos. It is such a hard lesson in life. I'm so sorry. I lost my childhood dog when I was 20 and I was a mess for a good 4 days. I wish there was something I could tell you to make it better, but I know no words are there.

  7. Tears are rolling down my face, I can't imagine yours. May God give you the strength to tell the kiddos. It is such a hard lesson in life. I'm so sorry. I lost my childhood dog when I was 20 and I was a mess for a good 4 days. I wish there was something I could tell you to make it better, but I know no words are there.

  8. Oh no! Angie I am so sorry! I know you will miss him bunches!

  9. ang...i'm so sorry sweet friend!!!

    sending BIG HUGS from GA to you---wish i could take you out for some mexican!!!

  10. oh no! i'm sooooooo sorry! i can only imagine your pain. our dogs have been around longer than our kids and are such a big part of our family as i can tell callaway was in yours. hugs!

  11. ohh no...I am sooo sorry to hear that! thoughts are with you and your family, i'm sure he'll be missed so much. we lost our family dog last year and having to look out at our empty back yard with his old doghouse seemed like the saddest thing in the world. i wish something could help but i guess the only thing that will is time..i'll be thinking of you guys and sending good thoughts :) take care.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Little four legged friends become such a huge part of the family and leave such an empty spot when they are gone. Take care friend.

  13. ((hugs))
    My condolences.

  14. I'm so, so sorry about sweet Callaway! That just breaks my heart. Keeping you guys in my prayers.

  15. Angie I was going to message you early today because I just *felt* like something was off. Is that weird? But now I can see that maybe what I was feeling is right. I am SO sorry my friend... thinking of you and your family!! xoxo

  16. Oh, I'm so sorry. You're in my thoughts.

  17. So so sorry, Angie! Can't even imagine!! Praying!!!

  18. Oh, Angie. I'm so sorry. I've been there before. It's so tragic.

  19. oh hun :( i'm so sorry to hear this, my heart hurts for you. i can't even imagine :( thinking about you and your family

  20. I have been following your blog for awhile and have never commented, but I really wanted you to know how sorry I am! I have two dogs and they really do become family. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, and I hope that each day will get easier.

  21. Im so sorry for your families loss.

  22. So so sorry! I know how much a dog can really feel like another child. Big HUGS to you and your family!


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