Do you know how hard it is to photograph bathrooms? Just sayin'!
This is our guest bathroom, which is also our kids bathroom.
It is little. If we could change one thing about our house we have agreed we would add another bathroom. As the kids get older they will need the space.
I am very proud of the shower curtain. I made the purple valance that hangs over the shower curtain. I even added the beads...yay me! I am not the craftiest person, but I am trying and love to learn!
I am standing in the bath tub for this picture!
The door to the left leads to the hallway, and the door straight ahead is the towel closet.
This is the master bathroom.
A glance from Gary's side of the bed looking into the bathroom.
I love having our closet in the bathroom.
These pictures were taken before my sweet Callaway passed away. :(
He loved sleeping on our closet floor.
I love having the potty room with a door.
There is the big tub I have used maybe 5 times in 5 years. I am not a bath girl.
Thanks for stopping by to peek in on our bathrooms. Jump on over to Kelly's Korner to see other bloggers bathrooms :)

I love the colors in you guest bath...and the valance is great! You did awesome! What a pretty bathroom :) I'm not a bath person either...our kids think it's a treat when they get to take a 'big' bath in our tub...that's the only time it gets used :) So sorry about Callaway...I'm sure you always think about him being in your closet. {I love the Elmo slippers ;) }
I'm the opposite when it comes to the bath thing.....I LOOOOOVE taking a bath and couldn't imagine having a great big tub and not using it! We are the same as far as the not so crafty but love to learn. I love when I come across a craft I can do (:
And, I've been thinking about your loss of Callaway a lot.......our dogs are up there in age and I dread the day that we have to make that awful decision. I hope your dog Harley is doing ok.
One last thing....I was reading your twitter and had to laugh because I too have a hard time with my daughter and the sleep over thing. She has her first on friday and she's 7. Drama, Drama, and more drama as they get older. good Luck!
Bathrooms are so important. Fortunately our kids have a fairly large bathroom. We have a finished basement that I really wish had a bathroom in it.
I love the shower curtain! The beads are great! I always want to buy the fun bead trim stuff but them I'm never sure what I would do with it:) I think you are craftier than you give yourself credit for!! And I am so with you on the bath thing...I do not like them! There is just something so gross about sitting in your own dirt and yuck.
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