On Wednesday Gary and I cooked for his family.
Me Maw, Aunt Susan, Kristin and Rob (Susan's kids) came to have lunch with us.
The weather was wonderful!
The kids were running around in the back yard without shoes and socks...a very unseasonal like day :)
On Thursday we went to my parents house. My Grandparents were there as well as my Aunt Pat and Uncle Maurice. We also got to see my cousins Craig and Kacie and their families. It was a large crowd with good food! And what a difference a day makes in the weather. It was 40 degrees and so cold on Thanksgiving day. That is Texas weather for ya!
I am very thankful for all the blessings in my life!

great pics!!
how do you do the collages with your pics?
i know it's probably a very basic thing...i'm a little slow in that area.
Ah, looks like a wonderful thanksgiving all in all!
And UMMMMM, now we need recipes to some of the delicious food that you made okay?!
I think we get y'alls weather a day later. It was like 80 on Thanksgiving Day & everyone had on shorts & t-shirts & Friday it was storming & 40!
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