Monday, November 8, 2010

what we did

We had a family photo session yesterday with Crystal the owner of Happy Feet Studio.  I am so excited to see how our photos turned out.  We had an outdoor session, and the weather was absolutely perfect!! The kids did as good as could be expected. We may or may not have bribed Hayden with candy.  He is a mess right now and only wants to do things that are his idea.  He was testing our patience, but Crystal was great with him!  Layla was an angel...I have talked about this photo session for weeks, so she knew how excited I was...I think she was excited too.  Last night I got a few teaser pics.  I am so giddy with excitement!!

 Stay tuned for some fun family pics.   


Kelli said...

We did the same thing this weekend and I also bribed Caleb with candy because he has the same attitude. The sky was beautiful but it was freezing. I hope your pictures turn out beautiful...can't wait to see.

Jocelyn said...

Yea for family pics!!! Can't wait to see them. We also had pics done a few weeks ago, and I am anxiously waiting to get my cd!!!!

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

so jealous! can't wait to see them!

Kelli W said...

I would totally be bribing Eli with candy too:) I can't wait to see how they turn out...we need to do family pictures soon too!

Unknown said...

i can't wait to see them girl =)

Shannon said...

I agree with Laura, so jealous! We have yet to get our pictures done professionally! Can't wait to see yours!

Anonymous said...

I can feel your excitement! I look forward to seeing them.

Emily said...

Love photo sessions! Can't wait see them!