Friday, December 3, 2010

candy cane treat

I am so excited for my baby girl!  She has been so nervous about changing her earrings.  She literally freaks out!  I don't get it.  She didn't cry when she got them pierced, but she is terrified to change them.

I have purchased tons of earrings that would entice her to let me do a switcharoo.  Nope. 

Until the candy cane earrings!  Whoop!  Check her out!  She is so excited and even felt silly when she realized it didn't hurt at all.   And a real candy cane makes everything better....right?!


Hayden was lucky.  He got a candy cane just because.  Can you tell he loved it?
After he got all nice and sticky he played in the sandbox. Then I let daddy clean him up. Heehee!


  1. i love the candy cane earrings =)

    hayden's face is just like john daniel's after eating ANYTHING!!! ha!

  2. yay for getting the earings changed, they are too cute.
    and hayden's candy cane face is adorable!

    have a great weekend!!

  3. Those candy cane earrings are too adorable! And I promise Eli's face looks just like Hayden's anytime he eats candy:)

  4. Those are the cutest candy cane earrings ever!

  5. Those earrings are just adorable. Jamison freaks out when I take her earrings out too. That Hayden had a ball with the candy cane I can tell.

  6. Good for her, :) Candy canes are truly so good, she picked a good choice of earnings to change into.

  7. Good for her, :) Candy canes are truly so good, she picked a good choice of earnings to change into.

  8. Awe, what a big girl!! I love the candy cane earrings! Cute pic of the little guy!

  9. Aww! How cute is she! Those earrings are cute too. I used to freak out about changing my earrings too, I dont know why though, ha!

  10. Rhiannon was so terrified about her earrings too. It was awful!

  11. awww, I still remember when i got my ears pierced, it was such a big deal! she looks so cute with those!

  12. What a sweet sticky face!

    Congrats on the earings milestone!


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