Last weekend we took a quick trip to visit some of our best friends!
We always have fun when we visit our buddies Mark and Jeannie, and their kids Alex and Audrey.
When it was bedtime all four kids picked out footed pj's. This momma loves footed pj's!! I drove the kids bonkers running around the house like the 'mammarazi' trying to get a good picture of them!
How sweet are these four?
Smiling for the camera while eating dinner. As you can see Hayden is pouting.
Have I mentioned that mealtime is hard for us lately?
He is a little stink pot when it comes to eating. We are working on it!
Hayden did love Alex's Buzz Lightyear toy. He slept with it and
laid it beside the chair when he ate. Ahem...Santa...
After dinner the kids played games with Gary. And Hayden held Buzz.
Sweet girls. They had so much fun together. It was very different this time...usually Layla and Alex play together and Audrey and Hayden play together. This time the girls teamed up to play dress up, and Alex was very good to play and explain all his toys to Hayden.
Here they are before dinner...playing dress-up!
Inside their purses are puppies. Not real ones, but you know.
Gary's comment to them dressing up in such silly dresses was "Run along girls...go cover up!!"
Jeannie and I laughed at him, bless his heart, he doesn't want these girls to grow up.
We were also discussing how when we used to get together one of the kids was getting fed baby food, or a bottle. more baby food for these two families. The kids are great buddies...all four growing up way too fast.
Every time our families are together, either at our house or their house, I always try to get a picture of the daddies and kids while they are reading the bedtime story. I love this sweet :) This time Alex read the story! Sniff Sniff...they ARE growing up.
Thanks for the fun visit you guys...we love y'all!

What a fun visit! I love all the footed pjs! My boys have all outgrown their footed pjs...I think I need to add them to my list of things to buy:)
They are so cute in their pj's!
All the kids are soooo cute!!! Love the footey pj's! I'm not ashamed to say I own a pair & I wear them. Yes, I'm 37 yrs old!!
I miss the footed pj's!! They are all so cute...nothing like good friends.
i love footed pjs too!!!
i think i need some even if i am in my 30s!! ha!
i'm a kid at heart, right??!?
Seriously love me some footed pjs! GG wears them all the time now that it's so chilly!
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