I planned tons of fun Christmas themed things for us to do as we count down to Christmas Day. We had so much fun playing with marshmallows! We used pretzel sticks to hold the 3 marshmallows together. I had twizzlers, caramels and mini m&m's for decorating. We didn't have a way to stick the decorations to the marshmallows, so we just licked them. They stuck and we were eating our own creations anyway.

It was so silly to watch Hayden put his together and make it "talk" to Layla's. And then as he was eating it piece by piece he was still making it talk...there goes the eyes, mouth, and nose. Layla giggled so loud when my snowman's green eyeball just randomly popped off. It was a super fun snack :)
I hope you are having a great Christmas week. Layla woke up this morning after her first dose of medicine and she is bight eyed and bushy tailed. She seems better already! Hayden is still snoozing. Any minute our house will be loud and rowdy. I wouldn't have it any other way, as long as I can have TONS of coffee!!

You are such a fun Mom!!!!! :)
Those are so cute! I love that you licked them to get the decorations to stay:) Eli used that technique last night on his gingerbread house!
Glad the kids are feeling better. I'll have to try this with Drew this week. He is a serious marshmallow addict =)
That's such a fun idea! I'd love to try this with my baby sisters or with some of the kids I baby-sit for. Thanks for you sharing! :)
what a great idea angie...
i'm glad they are feeling better!!!
Look at those cute little snow men. You are such a fun mom!!!
I am going to come and live at your house okay?!
Because seriously, your days are so fun! What lucky kids you have. I'm not even going to show my kids because they will wonder what's going on with me!!
GG would love this...bet your house is full of anticipation and excitement for Saturday!
Merry Christmas!
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