Awww...aren't these girls so cute? Isn't MeMaw's necklace strange?
Imagine our Christmas surprise when she strolled into our house pushing her walker with this huge snowflake around her neck.
WAIT...that isn't a SNOWFLAKE!! MeMaw...what have you been up to?
Oh you know my lovely grand kids...I have just been "kickin' it!"
Is that not the funniest thing you have ever seen in your whole life? Sadly, MeMaw had no clue what she purchased from a vendor at a jewelry party at her assisted living home.
My question is who does that? Who sells senior citizens snowflake necklaces like this? I am still giggling today thinking about it. And laughing at how silly she acted after she found out what it was. She never took it off. MeMaw was looking better yesterday than she had in months. If you have read my blog long, you know she has had some major health issues. She was silly and spunky and a joy to be around. She made us laugh all day long and the necklace was just wild!!!
Happy Sunday!

OMG Angie! I am crying I am laughing so hard! That is too funny. Glad to hear Meemaw is in good health!!!
Thanks for making a post dedicated to the Snowflake plant. Now we can all sit around in a circle...and laugh our hineys OFF!!
Too bad you left out the part about it hitting your nephew in the forehead. HAHA!
That is so funny!!! I do wonder why that would be among the selection...LOL. I'm glad to hear she's doing better.
Oh my gosh, I'm sitting here laughing hysterically!! Did you say anything to her? Did you say 'nice necklace!'? So, so funny!!
Happy Monday Dear! xo
Ok, I am obviously a bonehead but I have no idea what that is! I'm glad it brought some humor to your Christmas though and glad your Memaw is doing better.
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