Hayden has had a crummy week. See his chapped face. That is what happens when you wipe your face with your hand or sleeve. The ick chaps the cheek. Just one cheek...ha!
Our poor little guy got a cold and then ended up having fever on Tuesday and Wednesday. He missed the "Happy Birthday to Jesus" party at his preschool. After birthday cake we were supposed to decorate cookies and have pizza in his classroom. BUT he missed it all. I think I am more sad that he missed it than he is.
Here is the ornament he made for Gary and I. Those are his fingers. It that not the cutest thing ever?
{I did go to his school to drop off gifts for his teacher and classmates. And we got gifts too}
The attached paper says, "These are 5 little snowmen as anyone can see, I made them with my fingerprint which is a part of me. Now every year I'm growing and I'll be grown someday, but these 5 tiny snowmen will never melt away. When I read that I just cried! So sweet.
I am loving this time of year, but I am also so sentimental. Every time I turn around I am crying about something. I opened the mail and received Christmas cards and they made me cry. I was in the carpool line today and saw all the kids dressed in Christmas clothes with big red bows in their hair. I cried. I am so emotional...no I'm not pregnant!
Layla brought a handmade ornament home today. A paper gingerbread man with her little face in the center. One day she won't make ornaments any more. I just want time to slow down. I want to enjoy every second. I love being a mom. Getting to stay at home to see every moment is the BEST!
I hope you are enjoying this time of year also. I know it can be very stressful for most people. I have chosen to slow it down this year. I want to enjoy. I don't want to look back and wish I had spent more time with the kids. I can't wait for Layla and I to decorate cookies next week. I'm thinking of every Christmas craft known to man to keep us busy And hopefully the water works will stop...ha! I feel so silly crying like a silly sap!

So sweet. I LOVE when kids make their own ornaments. They're the best and bring back so many memories years later. Hope Hayden is feeling better soon.
Ha! I so thought you were going to say you were pregnant :) I hope your little man is feeling better, that does suck when they have to miss the parties. I treasure the homemade ornaments...I still have mine from when I was a child. These days are going fast and I think a lot of people are just slowing down to enjoy.
I'm like that too :) I always feel like crying when an ambulance drives by too...because I think, someone's hurt...how sad! But I it is hard to think that the kids won't be little soon, I already think that, Alex acts so much older already :( And both my kids made those snowmen ornaments once...so CUTE! That is precious! I'm so glad you are cherishing it...and Layla and Hayden will always remember those times too :)
That ornament is so cute!! Love it!
Oh my goodness, I think that ornament might be the cutest idea ever!!! I am fairly certain I would be crying if I were you too.
Good for you for slowing things down and enjoying it. That's the best idea I have heard. I am going to try to take a page out of your book and do the same!
Love the handprint ornament - I have that is going to be like that halfdone because I haven't gotten to putting snowmen on Abby's fingerprints yet!
I made those same ornaments when I taught kindergarten and pre-k!! They are the cutest! you will always cherish that.
Glad he is feeling better today.
I cried 3 times yesterday...but I am pregnant! Ha. So nice to see you enjoying those sweet littles of yours. Sorry Hayden missed his party, at least he wasn't too bummed.
Angie, this post was just so so sweet!!!!!
This time of year makes me waaaay emotional too!
That ornament is too cute! Henry brought one home like that this year too:) I'm trying to slow down and not be so stressed this year too! I can't wait to make gingerbread boys with my boys:)
awwww poor baby!! that's no fun!
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