Every chance we get we let the kids play outside. Those play times have been few and far between lately due to the cold weather. Hayden was digging around in the pantry one day and asked to blow bubbles. It was a brand spanking new container of bubbles left over from last summer.
I thought it sounded like a fun idea since we have been cooped up in the house for days.
I turned my back for 2.5 seconds.
I am quite sure he rolled in the bubbles like a dog. Plus the ground was a bit wet from the melting snow.
"What happened to my bubbles?"
Dude...I'm pretty sure as hard as you try you aren't going to get any more out of that container. It is empty and I don't think we blew a single bubble.
Wanna see a close up of the bubbles and dry icky grass stuck to his back?
We are just living the life y'all....good times!!

AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it! That is absolutely hilarious!!!
Thanks for the laugh!!!!
dude that is hysterical! his poor buzz is messy...were you able to get it off him to clean? haha
blogger was down yesterday...tried commenting on ur BAB ...totally loved the roller skates on the doggy!
The fun of having boys.
This post really makes me laugh, Because I can see this happening to me one day. My son is the same way.
Its a boy thing I think :)
haha boys will be boys?!
LOL! I love the closeup of all the bubbles and grass stuck to him:)
ha!! something my nephew would totally do!! little boys :)
boys are a riot!!!
Haha!! Life with a boy I guess! I am so ready for it to warm up here so we can go back outside.
My Layla did the EXACT same thing yesterday!
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