I don't know what your kids do when they nap....
but my son moves his step stool over to his dresser, gets the diaper cream out of the top drawer and makes a horrible mess.
I'm pretty sure he used the nasal aspirator to put itch cream into his ears.
I'm not sure why he left this big mess on his Lightening McQueen car steering wheel. Sorta like a cat leaving a dead mouse on the porch.
What a mess!!!!!
He didn't sleep well [OBVIOUSLY] so Gary was holding him. I had to snap a few pictures, and then get busy cleaning.
His pants were wrecked...as well as his ears.
We have had some super exciting moments lately with this 2 1/2 year old. He is a busy boy. Busy running, talking, laughing, and being a BIG mess. He is into everything. He has reached his busy body, curious stage. I have to eat my Wheaties in the the morning, or I can't keep up with him. But I love every minute of it. Never a dull moment in our house for sure!!

OH MY GOSH!!!! Wow, he sure did make a mess!!! I had to laugh though ... And I'm sure you asked him "why did you do this" over and over and over again .....
Yuck! I bet that was a pain to clean up! I don't think anybody with a two year old at home can ever say they are bored:)
Too funny!!! Sorry, had to laugh, ha!!
Oh no! I bet that was awful to clean up. When husbie was a baby, he smeared vaseline everywhere and then squirted baby powder on top of it. Apparently his room looked pretty much the same way! Boys! ;)
Hahaaaa, so funny! Oh my goodness. Now that is a mess :) Boys will be boys right.
Oh wow, how funny!!!
these pictures are priceless!!!
2.5 is a busy stage...i'm worn out by the end of the day! completely whipped! ha!
OH MY!! What a little stinker!! The things little boys do!! :)
He put it in his EARS!?!? Oh my goodness! Poor you! Diaper cream is not the easiest to clean!
Yep sounds like my house with Layla!
ok we need cameras in our kids room to truly see them in action! that's awesome...and then not awesome! :o)
eek...what a mess! He probably thought he was doing a good job of taking care of himself too -- bless his heart!
How hard was that to clean up??! Horrible mess. lol... and kids... they crack me up!
Oh Angie that is a HUGE mess. At least Gary was in town :) Did you get it all?
oh no! what a goopy, sticky mess...I love how he left it out all placed neatly together, haha! That kinda looks like the kids' bathroom every night when they brush their teeth too...they are so messy! haha!
GAH! I think I would freak!! We haven't run into this yet.. but oh no!
Holy Moly! That is quite mess. Charlie likes to "play" at naptime instead of nap too...I guess I should be thankful he hasn't found the diaper cream yet! :)
I just found your blog, but I had to comment because the diaper cream to the ear is a new one for me! Lol...I'm sure you have your hands full :)
My brother did the same thing when he was that age only he used Vaseline!!
I feel your pain, we went through that with our 3 year old, he had it everywhere in their room including their comforters. Sadly the comforter still shows evidence of this incident (water resistant but cream) no matter how much i have washed it. Hope things fair better for you.
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