These munchkins are glued to the news!! Well, mostly Layla. She has been asking for snow for a month if Gary and I can just make it snow! When we heard the forecast we knew she'd be super pumped about the possibility of a snow event here in Texas. Anytime the news is on she is asking when the snow is coming. I hope we get some...she will be soooo happy!!
I am just as excited as she is and hope to be able to share some snow pictures next week!
Happy Friday...have a GREAT weekend =}

i'm with ya...when the kids heard it they said it better be fun to take a day off to play! woohoo!
but i'm lacking yet again in the waterproof mitten dept
Crossing my fingers that you get some snow! We got some last year, which means it should be another 10 years before we get more:) My boys loved the snow on our ski trip last year, so I have a feeling we will be doing that again before too long!
we had snow over Christmas. The girls LOVED it. we hardly ever get snow here (nc) but the past two years we have been getting lots
I hope to see snow pictures next week!
If y'all get snow I hope it stays there! I must be getting old. It's snowed in Baton Rouge the last 2 years & that was enough for me. I DREAD the 40 degree highs they're forecasting for next week. Have a great weekend!
I hope ya'll get snow! I'd love a day of snow here - as it is it's warm enough to wear short sleeves comfortably here. Not feeling so much like winter right now.
This winter has been crazy here in TX! Maybe that's why I can't get better. One day we're wearing shorts and the next week it's in the 40's!!! UGH!!! Hope y'all get great snow pics though & have a great weekend!
Supposed to snow here, too. We shall see, we could sure use the moisture!
That 67 looks so lovely...I would love that right now. We got some snow yesterday and the kids are pretty excited. The temps are in the teens so we haven't been out in it yet though. Brr. Have fun :)
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