Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday at the gym

Today was a busy, fun, and cold Monday.   We weren't for sure if the kids would have school today due to the snow storms.  This morning we woke up super early to watch the news.  There were a few schools closed but most were open.  After I dropped the kids off at school I ran errands.  I was looking forward to some serious window shopping. BUT the snow started up again, so I headed home to clean house.

Layla is taking a gymnastics class after school on Monday's.  I am so excited for her, and she loves it.  It makes for a crazy afternoon. We have to rush rush rush to get there on time.  Hayden and I have to sit and wait for her during class.  He only slept 30 minutes at school today, so he was grouchy like a bear.  Layla was tired from school but super excited about gymnastics.  After the class on the way home she said she was pooped out.  She asked to go to bed.  Sweet girl. 

Here are a few pictures in her new leotard.  She loves it, and loves her teacher.  Since this is a real gymnastics class, she is in a huge gym with tons of other girls.  She gets to see what the older girls are doing and can't wait to do a back hand spring like them.  The girls are all in separate classes, but utilise the same gym.  I think it is great, and I am thrilled that she loves it.  After our horrible experience with swim lessons over the summer I was afraid to put her in another sport. 

When we got home she showed me some things we learned.  She walks like a little priss pot!

I think she may have been cold in the gym, but she said she wasn't.  Even if she were freezing she wouldn't care...she loves her sassy new leotard!  Speaking of cold....we are gonna have some bone chilling temps tomorrow.  Hayden and I are meeting up with some blogger buddies.  I hope we don't freeze to death!!


  1. LOVE her leotard!! She is too cute! Now come over so I can have someone to tumble with!! :)

  2. How adorable! That leotard is so cute. I actually think I have a rhinestone clutch with the same pattern lol. She has good taste. We're hunkering down for some more snow ourselves...yuck!

  3. Love the sassy leo! Emily is taking gymnastics too in a gym with other really good's fun to watch them! I can't ever picture emily doing all that fancy stuff! :) She has fun right now though...I'm not sure if she'll stick with it or not.

    It's such a fun age for sports! sounds like she is really going to enjoy it!

  4. Those pics are too cute! It looks like she has the Olympic pose down pat!!! Check out my post today. I left something for you.

  5. Awe, what a cutie in her little leotard. Gymnastics is so much fun, I did gymnastics as a kid also and loved it.
    I'm glad she's enjoying her new sport :)

  6. She looks so cute in her leotard!! Gymnastics is so much fun!

  7. She looks so cute! Melody just started ballet this year and is loving it so far!

  8. So cute in that leotard! I keep trying to convince Rhiannon to take gymnastics...or any sport for that matter but so far no interest!


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