These questions are floating around the internet world and so I jumped on the bandwagon and threw together my answers!
What was the last book you read?
Siblings without Rivalry. I really want to make time to read things other than parenting books!
Do you like to cook?
I love too cook! It is one of my favorite things to do!
What's your favorite food?
Mexican food...I could eat it every day! I want to learn to make tamales.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
I have one older brother. His name is Jody and he lives about an hour from me with his wife Billie and his step children and slew of animals. They have a ton of dogs! He shares my love for animals ;)
Which sport do you like?
I like all sports. I love to watch football on TV. I also like Nascar, Supercross and golf. I enjoy playing golf when I have time. I don't care for basketball. I usually only watch March Madness.
Do you live alone?
Nope, I live with my husband, two kids and dog.
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
We live in a house. Thank goodness. I can't imagine the loudness of my family in an apartment. We'd be kicked out for sure for being so loud :)
Have you ever lived in another country?
How do you spend your free time?
Honestly as a stay at home mom I don't get much free time. If I do get time all alone by myself I like to get pampered. A manicure/pedicure is always nice and shopping alone is wonderful!
Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood.
My favorite event of adulthood would be marrying my best friend. Gary and I have a great relationship and I am so thankful for him. He went to the beach and were married at sunrise. It was just the two of us with our bare feet in the sand saying "I do!"
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are cooking, taking pictures, decorating and redecorating my house. And I'd really like to learn to sew, or read more. I love to put on my iPod and listen to tunes. But mostly I enjoy cooking new and fun recipes.
What do you do? What's your job?
I am a stay at home mom. I clean the house, cook the meals, wash-fold-put away laundry, I wash dishes and pack lunches. I grocery shop for a family of four hungry people. I plan all our meals weekly and try to stick to the meal plan. I dust the house, vacuum the floors, make the beds, clean the bathrooms including toilets. I keep a blog of our lives and try to post daily because it is our family scrapbook. I take kids to school and pick them up. I read bed time stories, tuck kids into bed and am there if they wake in the night. I pack and unpack backpacks and read all the paperwork brought home from school daily. I shop for clothes for the whole family and hear the wrath when I didn't purchase the correct things. I wipe snotty noses, change diapers and snuggle sick kids when they feel bad. That is just a small portion of my WONDERFUL job.
Who has had the most influence in your life?
Cheesiest answer ever, but I have had the most influence on my own life. I have been through so many different things in my life and they have made me who I am. I can look back at who I was before and who I am now and I am happy with the difference. I am good with my life and I am glad that I have grown into the person I am today. I hope I will continue to become an even better person as I age.
Would you like to be famous?
Maybe after I have raised my kids. I don't want to put them through all the drama of being drug around the country while I am on tour ;)
What do you think you will be doing five years from now?
Five years from now I will be 39. I will have a 10 year old and a 7 year old. I will be doing the same thing I am doing now. I will be mothering my kids, helping them to be the best they can be. My kids will be in school, and participating in extra curricular activities. We will have just bought a much larger home on a few acres with room for the kids to roam with their friends. Gary and I will have enough savings in the bank to visit the beach every summer and go snow skiing in the winter with the kids. I will have figured out my hobby that will bring our family a bit more spending money. We will have finally found the church home we are looking for!
When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?
I feel my best in the afternoon. I used to be a morning person, but am now a day time person. Daily activities have me ready for bed early, so catch me in the afternoon for the best me :)
How many times did you move as a child?
I lived in the same city my entire childhood. We lived in three different houses, but I went to the same school all 13 years. I really want that for my kids, but I'm not sure if we will stay here forever.
If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?
I would want to be a singer/actress. My freshman year of college was spent studying drama/theatre. I won best actress in One act play in high school. I love to entertain would be super awesome to be on the Food Network with my own cooking show, or better yet, one with me and the hubs!
What super-power would you most like to have, and why?
If I had a super power it would be a mind reader. I'd love to know what goes on in my kid's/dog's heads. They are so funny and make me laugh, and I want to know how they come up with their ideas. Their minds are always spinning. Also it would be wonderful when they are sick...I could find out how to help them.
Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
I'd rather take pictures!!! I do like to be in pictures, but capturing moments of my loved ones is the best!!
Are you a beach, country or city person?
This question always stumps me. I can be happy anywhere I am. If I had to dig ditches for a living I'd make it fun. I was married on the beach. I visited my grandparents farm my entire childhood. I love the outdoors. And I love the city and being close to shopping. So I really didn't answer this question....I like them all!
Where do you spend most of your money?
We spend most of our money on food. I love to cook, and so does Gary. Our meals are fun for me to prepare, and so our largest expense every month is shopping at the grocery store. It is cheaper and usually tastes better when we prepare our food at home. While we do really enjoy eating out once in a while we love experimenting with new recipes!

I like to read these things. I feel like I "know" you now! The shrimp dip is to die for. I hate to cook & I don't even mind making this. Of course my family likes to tell me making a dip isn't cooking but if it causes me to be in the kitchen mixing stuff together, it's cooking to me!
If you ever go on tour I would come see you for sure:) And a cooking show would be so should totally submit a video to food network! This was a fun post Angie!
Getting married at the beach? Sweet. :)
I would watch your cooking show on the Food Network! That is....we'd have to GET the Food Network first...hehe:)
I would love my own cooking show too! Or have my own restaurant...that would be awesome!
This list was great...I loved learning more about you. I don't care for basketball either but I love my football. Now you have to sing for us :)
Oh my! How fun!
I always enjoy getting to know my bloggy friends better. Thanks for sharing, A!
And I could live on Mexican food alone. I honestly could eat it every day. Or course I'd weigh 500 lbs but at least I'd be happy! Ole!
Hope your Thursday was wonderful!
This was fun to read. I feel like I know you even better now!
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