This morning Layla bug had her first BoosterThon. It was such a cool fundraiser for her kindergarten class, as well as other classes in her elementary school. The kids ask family and friends for pledges and then have a fun run in which they run laps to actually earn the pledge money. We pledged so many dollars for each lap Layla ran. It is really the only fundraiser in the spring semester at her school. I was so impressed with how cool it was to see all the kids running and having fun. All the children in the entire school ended up getting pledges from all 50 states here in the US, so the teachers had to dress up in costumes for the day. I loved seeing everyone--teachers, principals and parents involved in making sure the kids had a wonderful time.
Lining up to take off running!
Look at the sea of kids...whoooa!
On your mark, get set, GO!!
Here is a picture of the teachers dressed up in fun costumes!
Every time the kids passed the start/finish line volunteers would mark the back of their shirt for each lap they ran. So fun and such a cool idea! Here is Layla reeving back up after getting her mark.
Stopping for a quick picture!
Water break...good thing there was a ton of water. The kids faces were so red...they needed hydration!
Slowing it down a bit, walking a lap or two.
Parents and teachers got to walk the final lap with the kiddos. I was stoked to get to go through the tunnel! It was such a fun adventure. Bless the teachers hearts. They are going to have some very tired kids on their hands this afternoon. Layla ran almost 30 laps. I am so happy for her and can't wait to talk to her more about her first fun run :)
I am such a silly emotional mommy sometimes. I just get so overwhelmed with happiness. I teared up at this silly run. What am I going to do at her wedding? I'll be a nasty slobbery mess. Ughhh! We used to live about 30 miles away from our current house. What if we would have stayed there? We moved because at the time it just wasn't home for us. This is home. I feel like God helped us find this house, he helped us build it, and placed us here in this community. He made sure Layla was in the best school for her right now. She is surrounded by amazing friends and teachers. I just love to see her so happy at school. She is a bubbly little girl and has many friends. Seeing some of the other children running alone not socializing with other kids, it broke my heart. I want to tell her to be friends with everyone. I hope I can raise her to be kind and compassionate. I hope with God's help I can raise a sweet loving daughter and a brave honorable little boy.

Of course you are going to be raising kind, compassionate kids. They will emulate their wonderful parents. :)
Good job to Miss Layla! 30 laps is quite impressive!
What sweet words. Just because you are leaning on God and using His direction means that you are doing a great job as a mom. Looks like a wonderful activity for the kids. Love the teachers' costumes.
Awesome morning!!! I cried when we took Lauren to Disney. Just seeing the excitement on your kid's faces is priceless.
things like that make me sappy too! i hate thinking about the little loner kids... i just always think "that's somebody's baby" and how it would break my heart if it were mine :( i always pray that my kids will be well liked, but also be leaders who aren't afraid to be friends with everyone... ok - now i'm getting choked up, goodness!
Go Layla!!!
How fun!
Looks like such a great event! Love how they finished!
We did Boosterthon last week (even got the same shirts)!! The kids had a blast.
I can completely understand your emotions when it comes to these type of things. I too get the same way, I've had to hold back tears many times at plays or concerts or the kids sports events.
Looks like a very eventful day for Layla!
Girl don't worry you're not alone...I'm always crying at everything the boys do. You should see me the first day of school, it's not pretty!!!
Love the pics, looks like the kiddos had a great time!!!
go Layla! Isn't it interesting how we tend to really look back at our age now to how important it is to be nice as a kid. I wish I was nicer, just more friendly to everyone as a kid. I love that Lena Kate says hi to everyone at the grocery store. Take care :)
just came across your blog :) ohmygosh its so cute! what cute kids!
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