1. Sports bras are not flattering. I have been alternating the four sports bras I own the last few days. Gary took a picture of me playing checkers with Layla. It was quickly deleted. Yuck. I had a uni-boob. Lucky for you guys you can't see the uni-boob in the picture below....just the deep look of concentration on my face.
2. It is so hard to potty train a puppy when it is 8 degrees outside. Before the cold snap we had him trained to go to the door and wait for us to let him out. Who wants to be let outside in the coldest weather ever? Not him. Let's just say my new steam cleaner got lots of use. Stinkin' puppy will go on the edge of a pee pad. Why can't you aim your rear end at the middle of the thing dude?
3. When I am bored I like to cook and eat. I look for reasons to eat, I feel I need to try a new recipe, or sample/taste this or that. I would cook dinner early to snack on it, and then eat again at dinner time. Every day while snowed in this business went on. Hello extra pounds. We all ate with reckless abandon the entire time we were snowed in as if it would keep us warmer.
4. The first trip to the grocery store after a storm is chaos. The grocery store was packed. The checkout lines were 5 shopping carts deep. There were no eggs in sight, and good luck getting a loaf of bread. It was bad. Not to mention I was shopping with my stomach and eyes. I bought things we don't normally keep in this house. Processed junk....Little Debbie snacks, Doritos, peanut M&M's. I let this foolishness happen. Now I am going to have to find some self control.
5. I learned that I let my kids win sometimes. While playing games I would let Layla win. I hate to get beat, especially by a 5 year old. She talks trash, but if she loses she will want to play again and again and again. There are only so many games of checkers you can stand to play in one day.
6. Hayden's feet never get cold. I would insist he keep socks or slippers on when is was below freezing outside. He is so wild and crazy the socks/slippers fall off. I spent half my time putting them right back on. Each time I would re apply is socks his feet were hot. So,I just gave up. Little Mr. Hot Feet. I wish that were the case for me. My feet are always ICE cold.
7. I learned that I love my family. We always have so much fun together. I love the option of getting out of the house though. Knowing we were stuck and couldn't leave was hard. Gary works from home and I stay home with the kids. Any chance we get, we go out as a family. Whether it be to grocery shop, go to the park, or out to eat at a restaurant. We like getting out as a family. We realized that we really like each other, but we like each other more when we can get a good mix of at home time, and out and about time. Make sense?
8. My husband is a big kid. He had just as much fun, if not more than the kids...playing in the snow. See him sliding in the snow as if he were sliding into home base. He taught the kids how to make perfect snow balls.
9. I don't want to wish away or speed up any season of my life, but I AM READY FOR SPRING. That is the most important thing I learned.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday :)

I'm so hungry...what is that snack you pictured. I love the concentration on your face in that picture and I think it's SO funny that Layla talks trash. So beautiful that you all truly love one another...what a great family :)
What a fun post. I bought a bag of peaunut M&M's yesterday too!....mmm, love them cold...my hips love them too. Lena Kate WILL NOT keep her socks on either. She takes them off and I've since given up...yet she can't go to sleep at night without socks on...oh, and a bow in her hair. Glad yall survived the great snow-in! All I can say is the two of us would be a deadly weight gain combination with our similar snacking/baking/cooking habits!
I don't know WHY the stores couldn't manage to get any eggs?? We're all out up here, too. That and the entire sour cream/dip selection was wiped out. Odd. I hadn't ever seen the grocery store so empty. Thankfully Braums carries eggs...
And I too am ready for spring. Or at least the sun to shine on a regular basis.
You are ridiculously funny!! That's why I love you.
I laughed about the sports bra. I sport a uni-boob everyday Im home. It's sad.
I LOVE THIS POST! Made me laugh and shake my head with sympathy at the dreaded fiasco that is wearing a uni-boob producing sports bra. But you gotta admit...comfy. Just not pretty. But I loved all your life lessons due to snow...and what on earth is that yummy photo of some sort of appetizer looking thing that I want to eat RIGHT NOW?
First of all, I LOL'd at the first of this post! Too funny! I don't even own a sports bra.. am I weird? I'm ready for spring too, I'm so sick of the dead, brown world. I'm ready for some heat!
All I've wanted to do is eat too, I made my mom a Birthday cake yesterday... and then my hubby brings home ice cream today. Bah! I'm trying to be so good, but being cooped up makes it hard!!! And somehow cranberries just don't do the trick. ;)
Very cute post!! And I rock the sports bra uniboob every day. I blame being an athlete my whole life, but when I put on a real bra, it's a big deal!
Y'all have so much snow! I'm half jealous and half glad that we aren't snowed in! LOL about the sports bra! They are so not flattering, but I still wear mine every morning to go to the walking track:)
I love your last line about not wanting to speed up any season of your life.
(I also totally agree with you about sports bras, hot feet, and looking for reasons to eat...)
haha! At least you're wearing a bra...if I don't have on something to support me...it's not pretty! we've definitely had enough of this weather already! Our kids missed two days last week, and now Alex is home sick with the flu! Ugh! When is that warm weather coming?! Not fast enough! You guys are so cute! Looks like you had a good time in the snow...and made some super yummy food!
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