Tuesday, March 1, 2011

love letter

I am so happy Layla is learning to read and write.  We get the sweetest notes.
 Oh, and the reason it is all wrinkled...Hayden wadded it up and sent his sweet Sissy into the fit of all fits.

This note says,

Love Layla
 I love you for the food we get and I love you for the

Baby brother I have.  Dad, I love you and I love your good food and I love your job.

The first side was for me, and  put the 'love Layla' part at the top instead of the bottom, but we understand what she meant.  Not too bad for a 5 year old!! 
I think it is funny she thanked us both for food. 

We don't like food much do we?


  1. How sweet! I LOVE the little notes Addison leaves for me. It cracks me up to see how she sounds words out. Love it!

  2. How cute!! She is so precious and it is obvious you and Gary are raising her so well!! :)

  3. So sweet! Grant wrote an "I love my mom because" story a while back and all his reason were about food....because she fixes my breakfast, because she fixes my lunch, because she fixes my dinner:)

  4. Those are the best. That melts my heart! So sweet

  5. haha too bad the word bacon wasn't on there! :o)

  6. That's frame-worthy! I'm sure I'll have a drawer full of these one day, I'll be too sentimental to throw them away!

  7. I've teared up a little over here and have a lump in my throat. SO sweet!

  8. I love that. Smart girl for liking food. She needs to teach Lauren that food is yummy!

  9. You know you have to keep that forever! SO sweet.

  10. That might just be the cutest note EVER! I love those letters from the kiddos... treasuring those forever hey?

  11. Precious! I love little kid handwriting! It's just the cutest thing!

  12. Hilarious, I love it! When Macie first learned to read/write we got little notes like this all the time, and I treasured every one! Now I get "Sorry for my attitude mom, can I come out of my room?" HA!


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