Friday, March 11, 2011

Mommy is frust.rat.ed

I wrote this post yesterday at 12:00pm.

Have you even been so frustrated, but know that being frustrated isn't going to solve the problem.  I am wasting energy being frustrated, but I can't help it. 

I want Hayden to stop going potty in his pants.  I am so tired of changing #2 diapers on a 2 1/2 year old boy. DIS.GUST.ING!  I have worked with him, I have bought books, checked out books from the library, we have watched videos. I have sat in the bathroom with him for 40 minutes at a time, multiple times a day. And then after we leave the bathroom and nothing happened...what does he do? He does his business about 3 seconds later.  Last night after his bath, he ran out of the room and peed on the floor. NICCCEE!

I think he isn't potty training because I want him to. 

We talk about it all the time.  He knows he is supposed to use the potty, but doesn't.  He goes in his pants and tells us right after.  I am done!  Ha! Real mature of me right?! He can graduate high school in pull-ups.  Sheesh!

After his bath at 6:30pm he went #1 on the potty two times.  I screamed and yelled and had a fit!  I was so happy.  Layla and Gary came in and cheered for him.  was blushing from our praise! I am so happy this happened because now I know he knows what is expected!

Please please please let this be the beginning of the end of diapers in this house!!!!


  1. Bless your heart! I've always heard that with boys (especially) you really have to let them go at their own pace. Still doesn't make those nasty diaper changes any easier. I have no advice, really. Q just took the whole potty thing and ran with it. Hang in there!

  2. Good luck!!

    When I was pt'ing my first - started when he was 25 mo - he kept sneaking off to the kiddie pool on the deck and pooping in there - it was so frustrating. But within 5 weeks he was completely trained. (I can't tell you how many times I cloroxed that kiddie pool!)

  3. My boys were really hard to potty train and Eli seems to be following right along! He has no interest whatsoever in the potty! I ask him if he wants to go potty and even offer candy and he says NO! We are going to start working on it more once it warms up though...just throw them in the yard in underwear and if they pee it isn't that big of a deal because it's not on your carpet:)

  4. Oh man, my boy is two and I want him to be potty trained so bad! Mama needs a break from dirty diapers, especially with baby coming. He just doesn't give a rip though!

  5. That sounds frustrating. Hopefully he is ready to do it now.

  6. Potty training is tough!!!

    Go Hayden Go!!!! :)

  7. elijah did not potty train til he was 4.
    he would NOT do it at all.
    john daniel has not interest in it at all.

    praying it goes smoothly from here :o)

  8. Lena kate doesn't really have an interest either. I've tried some, but know she won't go. She's pooped a FEW times if I catch her grunting just in time. She hasn't #1'd at all since I've sat her down. She sits there and grunts and NOTHING. I feel your pain!

  9. I'd be frustrated too. I'm getting close to starting potty training with my almost 2 year old and am hoping it goes well. My daughter was super easy and I'm worried my son will give me the trouble she didn't.

    I hope things start to go better with the potty training soon!

  10. Oh Angie I feel your pain. Caleb would sit and then when nothing happened I'd have him stand and wash his hands and while washing he'd pee. Then one weekend it just clicked for him. Good luck...stay strong.

  11. Oh Angie, I feel your pain. Do you remember when I posted that Hudson climbed on top of his dresser to poop on a book?!? It was a big, fat, "screw you" to me. (Or at least that's how it felt.) I then handed the reins of potty training to Jon, and he did it in one weekend.

    Hope last night was a turning point for you!

  12. Oh man, hang in there, Angie! It sounds like he's on the right track.

  13. My Layla has already turned 3 and still isnt potty trained! She is one stubborn girl! She knows what she is supposed to do...but thinks if she goes just one time each day then the rest of the time its ok to go in her pants!

  14. ive given up w/lily ...she is soooo strong willed she'd poo in her pants b/c i asked her not too!

    with the other kids i just didn't ever say anything and next thing i knew they were trained....lily breaks the mold on all my parenting...i'm just hoping she is trained by college HAHAHAHA

  15. i do not miss those potty training days! hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out


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