Friday, March 18, 2011

Picnic in the park

This morning we picked Memaw up from her assisted living home and took her on a field trip to the park.  The weather was perfect.  83 degrees and a bit breezy.  We grabbed Chic-fil-A and had a picnic.  It was so fun!

The park we picked had a amazing play area. 
The kids went nuts running and exploring. I have to warn you this is picture overload!

They both slid down with their eyes closed. 

This play area made me was gigantic. 
Hayden did great though.  He isn't really scared of much, and if Layla can do it, he thinks he can too.

I loved this pretty bridge.

Layla was loving the spring weather!

I just want to tell her to stop growing!! Her legs are getting so long.

And this little man is almost as tall as his sister.

In this picture I could hear Hayden telling Memaw some crazy story.  She just laughs at him. 
Oh my goodness she loves her grandbabies!

Hayden found a stick and thought the hole in this tree had a squirrel in it.

Then he found a pile of fire ants.  Luckily he didn't get bit.

I loved all the trees!!!  My finger started to cramp from taking so many pictures.

Memaw had so much fun watching the kids play and laugh.  Bless her heart, she just wants to run and play with the kids, but she can't.

Gary is such a great son.  He takes wonderful care of his mom. 

We all had a fun field trip to the park!!


  1. That looks like a great outing and that 83 sounds lovely! How sweet of you to pick up Memaw. The kids are getting so big...why do they do that?

  2. What a pretty park, I bet Memaw had a great time watching the kids run and play. That's so nice of you guys to include her.

  3. love the pics angie :o)
    we went to the park today too...
    it was in the 80s here...yipee!!

  4. Park picnics are so much fun! It looks like ya'll had a blast!

    My little one thinks he can do anything sister can as well and loves to climb all over the big playground structures that have entirely too many places a kid could fall down from IMO!

  5. Park days are some of the very best!

  6. So sweet and what a beautiful day!!!!! :)

  7. That weather is... I don't even have the words... I NEED THAT WEATHER HERE!
    And yes, Gary is a wonderful son. So nice of you to pick her up so she can enjoy time with the kiddos :)
    Love all the pictures.

  8. Those are such great pics! It sure has been hot here lately. I love the picture of Memaw sporting the Chickfila cup :) I know ya'll had a great time!

  9. I really wish we could get our kiddos together. I have a feeling they'd have a blast and get into some trouble. But that's ok, I think we'd get into some trouble of our own. ;)

  10. Looks like y'all had a great day. We had awesome weather this weekend too!


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