Monday, March 21, 2011

swimming lessons, sleeping, a messy bracket & other mumbo jumbo

*Spring Break is officially over.  I am sad, but glad.  We had a wonderful time, but it seems like we did something every single day.  We are ready to get back into our regular routine.  I had to wake the kids up for school this morning.  Bless their hearts, day light savings time wasn't a big deal until this morning.  They slept in (8am) all week, but today it broke my heart seeing those sleepy faces.

*Hayden starts swimming lessons tomorrow.  I am nervous.  Layla HATED swimming lessons with a passion.  I hope Hayden does better.  The reasons I am nervous:  1. He doesn't like water in his face during his bath.  2. He is having some issues with me dropping him off places.  He is good at school drop-off, but his preschool class at church is horrible.  Every week he cries like crazy.  I hope his little swimsuit clad body will jump right in and swim like a fish.  We will be at the pool all summer long, and I want him to feel comfortable.  The swim school that I choose has a very strict policy...drop off and leave.  I will be in the viewing area, but I can't stay with him while he learns. It makes me nervous, but I know he needs these lessons!!

*I have been counting calories since I stopped doing Weight Watchers almost a year ago.  I haven't really been dieting, but it seems more like a lifestyle change for Gary and I. When I log what I eat I am more accountable.  We have each maintained our weight loss since last year give or take four pounds.  Anyway, I really need to lose a bit more weight.  Last Monday I started WW online again.  I lost 2 pounds.  I can't believe it!  I am so excited!!  I am loving that I can eat all the fruit and veggies I want.  An apple-0 points, celery-0 points.  Yay!  If I am starving I can just grab a handful of grapes and they don't count against my points allowed for the day.  I am glad spring is pretty much here, the produce in spring is always more tasty :)

*Layla usually gets out of her bed at night after we tuck her in.  She thinks of any excuse she can. it is beyond hysterical and frustrating.  Typical excuses:  gotta potty, need itch cream on an ant bit she got 3 weeks ago, her bed sheets are twisted, and the best one...she has a hanger toe. (that would be a toe nail sharp and protruding.)  She comes up with the craziest excuses.  We made a deal with her.  If she stays in bed for 7 nights in a row we will buy her the Etch a Sketch she has been wanting for months.  I hope she can do it.  She has one night down and 6 more to go!

*We are getting into the busy time of year.  It seems like our weekends are getting booked up so fast.  We love to camp, so any weekend that isn't free we want to do a ton of camping!  I love this season of life.  My kids are old enough to skip a nap or two without acting out too bad.  I can grab a pull-up for Hayden and stick it in my purse.  I don't have to carry bottles and wipes and a huge bag of stuff for a baby.  Each stage of life brings more excitement from the one before.  I loved the newborn stage, and toddler stage, but seeing my kids learn to spell and count, and Layla now reading.  There is always something to look forward to.  I'm loving every moment  I have with my kiddos and so thankful Gary works so hard so that I can stay home and be a stay at home mom to my family.  AND it helps when we do get busy on the weekends...I don't have to take days off work to go do things.

*My March madness basket ball bracket is a mess.  I hope somehow I recover. There is hope right?

(taken yesterday before church)

*Happy Spring...Hug your husband and kids today :)


  1. Good luck to Hayden...I hope he enjoys his swim lessons...Emily always loved the water, but Alex hated it when he first started gets better!

    Bribery worked with Emily when we started making her stay in her bed at night! Getting her ears pierced worked great, ha!

    such a cute family pick! Have a great day!

  2. That's a great family pic! I like your dark hair... (It's new, right???)

    I need to get Knox in some swimming lessons too!

  3. It can be so hard getting back into a routine after a break. I told the kids we really need to start being more routine oriented. Of course that's hard too now that it's light outside later. I had to wake up Jamison this morning and it's so hard to do. I almost wanted to keep her home. I hope Hayden does well with his lesson...I need to sign Jamison up so badly. Good luck to Layla staying in the bed. It is so nice to have the kids be a little older and just be able to grab a few things and go.

  4. Oh and that's a wonderful family picture. Hayden looks just like Gary.

  5. Look at you and your cute little family! Love it!

  6. I hope Layla continues to stay in bed for you! Rhiannon is 9 and we still have issues with this with her...very frustrating!

  7. I hope swimming lessons go well I am already planning lessons for Lillian and so nervous because she is so scared of the water. I'm wishing you luck! I love the family picture.

  8. I hope swim lessons went ok! You reminded me that I need to sign the kiddos up for that!

    I love that fam pic! Stinkin' cute!!

  9. Great picture! Hope the swim lessons go well! Q-Man has been having issues with the church nursery lately. He has never cried before, and the last two weeks he's had total meltdowns.

  10. I REALLY hope Hayden's swim lessons go okay. I remember how stressful it was with Layla!!

    And YES Happy Spring. It is no where near as warm as you guys are here, but it is really starting to feel like spring and that is such a relief!! I was getting depressed with all the snow we were having.

    Happy Monday!

  11. i hope Hayden's lessons go well...they are so stressful for both mom and child.

    love the family pic :o)

  12. You have the cutest family! & I love your purple dress!

  13. I'm guessing from your tweets that swimming isn't going so great:( Poor Hayden! I think swimming lessons are scary for lots of kids...huge pool and strangers don't sound like fun to little kids! Our weekends are starting to get busy too. I felt like last week/weekend was forever long because we had so much going on!

  14. Adorable family pic!!!!! You guys look so cute.


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