Tuesday, March 8, 2011

they do love each other!!

These pictures tug at my heart strings something awful.

As much as my munchkins bicker and fight and yell and scream...they still love each other.

Layla had a friend over and Hayden was upset that he didn't get to ride in the jeep like he usually does.  So sissy let him ride with her...in her lap.  Yes, they were touching.  I was in shock and HAD to snap a few pictures!!  She never unwrapped her arms from around him.  She wanted him to be safe. 

The next time they are fighting, I am going to make them look at this post!


  1. When they are older they will be best friends....

  2. That is so sweet! Layla is such a great big sister!

  3. Moments when they get along are just priceless.

  4. I love when my girls play together like that!

  5. so cute! They'll be bff's when they're older. I know my brother and I am :)

  6. So cute! I love when my girls are getting along and playing nicely together. Sometimes I feel like it's few and far between, so I can relate. Cute photos!


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