Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's like they have never seen a crate before...


  1. So funny! I love the one with Hayden all the way inside the crate!

  2. Too funny….. Do you ever have the urge to put them in timeout in there? Accept I think they’d enjoy that thing too much for timeout, haha!!! :)

  3. The comment about time out, hilarious!! It is worth a thought:)

  4. Its the simple things! LoL!

  5. Angie,

    I teach Kinder with Mrs. Welch and I found your blog through another blog that I follow. Too funny!! Your blog is adorable!!


  6. ha! our kids always did that too! I have pictures of them and it cracks me up! They also loved closing themselves in with the dogs outside in the kennel! ha! so cute!

  7. How cute!! My nephew crawls into my beagle's cage every time he is at my house!! I had to say hello to you since you are a fellow Texan (and because your blog is so darn cute!)!! Have a good night!


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